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Quaternary history and development of the western Danish North Sea sector displayed on 3D seismic

Quaternary research has focused on the Ice Age of Northwest Europe for a long time. The history of the continental area is well known; however, many questions about the history of the North Sea during the Quaternary still remain unsolved. This study is concerned with the Quaternary evolution of a part of the western Danish North Sea. The thesis is divided in two parts: The first part of this study (Chapter II), a literature review, gives an overview of recent publications on the subject of Quaternary glacial landforms of the North Sea. The different data sources used in these studies, such as stratigraphic data from boreholes and 2D and 3D seismic data, are introduced. The second part of this thesis deals with the interpretation and investigation of 3D seismic data and wells. The study area is located in the western Danish North Sea sector and covers an area of about 2,000 km². Chapter III is concerned with an investigation of nine seismic horizon slices. On these horizon slices about 1,600 iceberg scour marks can be traced. Oldest scour marks are Tiglian, youngest Cromerian in age. Scour mark direction has been analyzed and visualized in rose diagrams. Orientation of scour marks varies between NW-SE and NNE-SSW. In Chapter IV horizon slices and times slices, which are Middle Pleistocene in age, have been investigated. On these slices three subglacial incised tunnel valleys and a fluvial drainage system were observed on these slices. Chapter VI contains a summary of results outlined in Chapter III and IV and conclusive remarks.

Associated researchers: Dagmar Müther, Stefan Back, Lars Reuning
