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Environmental Chemistry

The working group “Organic Environmental Chemistry” concentrates its efforts on analytical studies on anthropogenic effects and the correspondign impact on surface and ground water systems, the corresponding sediments as well as soils.

Rivers and Streams

Lippe river
Water - Chemosphere 57 (2004), 1275 ff + 1288 ff
Sediment - Wat Res 38 (2004), 3473 ff
Bound residuum - Environ Sci Technol 40 (2006), 5882 ff
Component specific isotopy - Environ Chem Lett 4 (2004), 23 ff

Rhein river
Water - Wat Res 39 (2005), 4735 ff
Component specific isotopy - Environ Chem Lett 4 (2004), 23 ff

Rur river
Water - ESPR (2010)

Havel/Spree rivers -Teltow Canal
Sediment - Environ Sci Technol 35 (2001), 4015 ff
Geochronology - Chemosphere 61 (2005), 1427 ff
Bound residuum - Environ Sci Technol 37 (2003), 488 ff


Bannter See - J Soils Sed 10(2010), 104 ff
Brno Lake - Wat Air Soil Pollut (2010)

Coastal Waters

German Bight - Org Geochem 31 (2000), 1713ff
Bay of Kavala, NE Greece- Environ Pollut 151 (2008), 231ff
Bay of Natal, Brazil - Environ Geol 52(2007), 731ff

Groundwater Systems

Chlorinated Naphthaline - Chemosphere 61 (2005), 770ff
Landfill leachate - Environ Chem Lett 2 (2004), 21ff

Bound residues - J Environ Sci Health B 46 (2011), 394 ff
Stereoselective formation of NER - Environ Chem Lett 9 (2011), 293 ff
Waste Water

Community waste water - Marine Poll Bull 46 (2003), 410ff
Landfill leachate - Wat Res 36 (2002), 1747ff
Industrial waste water - Wat Res. 43, 3797 ff; Wat Res. 45 (2011), 3653ff

Selected organic environmental contaminates

Polyamid based flocculation  - J Appl Anal Pyrolysis 80 (2007), 471ff
Poylvinylpyrrolidone - J Appl Anal Pyrolysis 90 (2011), 93ff
Di-iso-propylnaphthaline - Intern J Environ Anal Chem 87(2007), 437ff
