since 2010 |
Post Doc at Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geomechanics, Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University |
2010 |
Dr. rer. nat. (PhD equiv.) at Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geomechanics, Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University |
2006 |
Diplom (MSc equiv.) in Structural Geology, Petroleum Geology, Rock- and Soil Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University |
2003 |
Vordiplom (BSc equiv.) in Geology, RWTH Aachen University |
My research in general is on fluid-rock interaction inside the first few kilometers of the Earth’s upper crust.
During the last years I focused on these interactions on the meter-nanoscale, in order to characterize distribution and kinetics of both, grain boundary- and pore fluids and their role in flow- and transport mechanisms in porous and polycrystalline rocks. The influences of fluids on rheology, mass transfer processes and transport are still poorly understood and results of my work underline that the effects tend being underestimated. Detailed knowledge of these processes, however, is required e.g, to estimate the long-term stability of radioactive waste repositories or to better understand two-phase flow properties in reservoir rocks.
Combining research on natural rocks with insights from analogue experiments and numerical simulations allows me to cover a broad range of scales. Herewith, my coworkers and I use and develop in-situ machines that allow us direct observations of fluid-rock interaction at elevated pressure and temperature. Our experimental results can directly be applied to simulations and/or natural samples.
My driving force is interest in learning new things; in deepening some of them usually by adopting and combining techniques from other disciplines like material sciences, experimental physics, and engineering; and also in sharing knowledge and ideas with colleagues from other scientific branches.
Graduate class | Analysis of microstructural and petrophysical data | WS09/10, WS10/11 |
Undergraduate class | Geomechanical modeling (in English) gallery | SS09, SS10 |
Undergraduate class | Lab report – scientific writing (in English) | SS09, SS10 |
Undergraduate field trip | Oman (in English) | WS08/09 |
Undergraduate class | Quantitative Geology | SS07 |
Undergraduate field trip | Tectonics in the Ardennes | SS07, SS09, SS10 |
Graduate class | Microtectonics gallery | WS06/07 |
Bachelor Thesis | J. Schoel, Grain Boundary Migration in Quartz Veins - a Simulation in Elle | 2010 |
Application of X-Ray Tomography on High-Resolution Optical Image Correlation Technique to study Strain Partitioning in Oblique Convergence using Sandbox Analogues. Analysis of strain pattern architecture from depth to surface through time. In collaboration with ifp (Institute Française du Petrol), Rueil Malmaison, France. | 01/2006-03/2006 |
Investigation of Clay Smear Processes in Normal Faults. In collaboration with Exxonmobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, USA. | 08/2002-11/2005 |
Experimental Simulation of Clay Smear Processes. In collaboration with Shell International E&P. | 01/2002-07/2002 |