Since 2010: PhD-Student - Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen)
2003 – 2009: Studies of Geosciences at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen
December 2009: Diploma Degree
Majors: Crystallography and Geophysics
Diploma Thesis: ‘Investigations on the crystallite-sizes and crystallite-size distributions of gas hydrates using X-ray diffraction’
Diploma Mapping Project: ‘Structural Geological Mapping of the ‘Muschelkalk-Outcrop’ in the Northern Kraichgau (Baden-Württemberg), between Wiesloch and Eschelbronn’
April 2007: Bachelor of Science
Majors: Structural Geology, Physics and Mathematics
Bachelor Thesis: ‘Investigations on the microstructure of gas hydrates’
2002 – 2003: Studies of Physics at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn
Investigations on the pore-space (pore-sizes, distribution and morphology) of Boom Clay, using (cryogenic) SEM.
PhD project description