Since Nov. 2010
Research assistant at GED as a member of the interdisciplinary "Fracs" group. Funded by DGMK project 718 "Dynamics of mineral veins".
Subproject VeinGrowth:
Mar. 2010 - Sept. 2010
Diplom student, working on the evolution of crack-seal calcite vein networks in the Oman Mountains integrating virtual outcrop methods with microstructural analysis and geochemistry.
Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2010
Research student at Geologie Endogene Dynamik, RWTH-Aachen University
tasks: stress&strain excel sheet enhancement; rock salt thin sections;
Lecture assistant for undergrad course: the principles of structural geology
2009 Jan-Mar
Geologist-intern at ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Houston, Texas. Unconventional Resources Group.
Project: Fracability of ShaleGas plays.
Mentors: Dr. Gary Gray, Dr. Jane Lock
Recommendations (April 14, 2009): “Max brought a very refreshing sense of curiosity to his assignment as a summer intern. He enthusiastically took on the challenge of testing some of the dogma around fracability in shale gas plays and the results of his work were quite insightful.”
by Richard Chuchla, Unconventional and Gas Resources Manager , ExxonMobil Exploration Company.
Please download a copy of the thesis here: RWTH-Aachen Library.