Dr. Frank Strozyk
Office Location
Building: Miner Building
Room: 521
Wüllnerstr. 2
52062 Aachen
Institute of Geology & Palaeontology
Phone: +49-241-80-95718
Research projects:
- 2017: The tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Congo Basin
- 2010-2017: Salt tectonics, intra-salt structures, and rheology & mechanics of evaporites, in corporation with Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. (NAM) and Shell E&P Europe
- 2010-2016: Comparative kinematic reconstruction of the post-breakup succession in conjugated salt and salt-free basins offshore South-America and South-Africa, in corporation with DFG SPP “SAMPLE”, Petroleum Geo-service (PGS) and Maurel et Prom
- 2009-2010: Analyses of Raft and Squeezing Salt Geometries in Permian Zechstein, in corporation with Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV (NAM) and Shell E&P Europe
Consultancy projects:
- 2013: Evolution of K-Mg salts in the Veendam salt pillow and surrounding areas, in corporation with Geostructures & NEDMAG
- 2012/2013: Tectonic Analysis Ostfriesland Area, in corporation with GDF Suez E&P Deutschland GmbH and GeoPressures
- 2010/2011: Seismic analysis and prospectivity of K-Mg-salts in the NEDMAG concession area, Veendam Pillow, northern NL, in corporation with Geostructures & NEDMAG
- 2016-2017: Geological exercises: introduction to rocks (BSc)
- 2010-2017: Geological field mapping course (BSc)
- 2016-2017: Field trip “Vichttal/Venn” (BSc)
- 2013-2014: Assistant teacher “Seismic Interpretation” (MSc)
- 2010-2011: Assistant teacher “3D Seismic Interpretation” (MSc)
- 2014/2017: Assistant teacher “Exploration / Production Project” (MSc)
- 2012-2014: Reservoir Geology: Well planning and drilling issues from seismic data” (MSc)
- 2014: Assistant teacher “Structural Geology: Tectonics” (BSc)
Research expeditions:
- 2007: R/VMeteor cruise M73-1, July 21 to August 11 2007, “Submarine landslide measurements & observatory at the Ligurian Margin south of Nice, western Mediterranean”
- 2006: R/V Poseidon cruise P-342, August 19 to September 6, 2006, “Sediment transport NW Iberian/Galician shelf”
curriculum vitae
- 05.2013 - 03.2018: Senior Researcher at EMR - Energy and Mineral Resources, RWTH Aachen University
- 10.2009 - 04.2013: Post-Doc at Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University & Geological Institute - Structural Geology, Tectonics & Geomechanics, RWTH Aachen University
- 09.2009: Ph.D. at MARUM - Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen; Thesis: "Submarine landslides in active margin environments - Slope stability vs. neotectonic activity on the north-eastern margin of Crete, eastern Mediterranean"
- 06.2006 - 09.2009: Ph.D. student, MARUM, Bremen University
- 03.2006: Diploma in Geology, RWTH Aachen University; Thesis: "Integration of geophysical, geological and geomorphological data in a static & dynamic 3D model of the Miocene Belait Delta, Brunei Darussalam, NW Borneo"
- 10.2000 - 03.2006: Study of Geology, RWTH Aachen University
Research Interests
- Structural geology, tectonics, geodynamics
- Salt tectonics & evaporites
- 2D/3D tectonic-stratigraphic seismic interpretation
- Subaquatic slope stability, sediment transport, and paleoseismology
- Sedimentary and tectonic records of ocean margins and sedimentary basins
- 2D/3D kinematic reconstruction/backstripping
Submitted/in press
Peer-reviewed papers
Strozyk, F., Reuning, L., Back, S., Kukla, P.A. (2018). Giant pockmark formation from Cretaceous hydrocarbon expulsion in the westernmost Lower Saxony Basin, Netherlands. In: KILHAMS, B., KUKLA, P. A., MAZUR, S., MCKIE, T., MIJNLIEFF, H. F. & VAN OJIK, K. (eds) Mesozoic Resource Potential in the Southern Permian Basin. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 469
- Kukla, P.A., Strozyk, F., Mohriak, W.U. (2017). South Atlantic salt basins - witnesses of complex passive margin evolution. Gondwana Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2017.03.012
Strozyk, F., Back, S., Kukla, P.A. (2016). Comparison of the rift and post-rift architecture of conjugated salt and salt-free basins offshore Brazil and Angola/Namibia, South Atlantic. Tectonopysics. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.12.012
- Raith, A F., Strozyk, F., Visser, J., and Urai, J. L. (2015). Evolution of rheologically heterogeneous salt structures: a case study from the northeast of the Netherlands, Solid Earth Discuss., 7, 1877-1908, doi:10.5194/sed-7-1877-2015
Strozyk, F., Back, S., Kukla, P.A., (2015). Regional Seismic-Based Comparison of Syn- and Postrift Sequences in Salt and Salt-Free Basins Offshore Brazil and Angola/Namibia, South Atlantic. GCSSEPM 2015.
- Sachse, Victoria; Strozyk, Frank; Anka, Zahie; Rodriguez, Jorge; di Primio, Prof. Dr. Rolando, (2015). The tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Austral Basin and adjacent areas against the background of Andean tectonics, southern Argentina, South America. Basin Research, p. 1-21
Strozyk, F., Janos L. Urai, Heijn van Gent, Martin de Keijzer, Peter Kukla (2014). Regional variations in the structure of the Permian Zechstein 3 intra-salt stringer in the Northern Netherlands: 3D seismic interpretation and implications for salt tectonic evolution. Interpretation, Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 1–17
- B. C. Biehl, L. Reuning, F. Strozyk and P. A. Kukla (2014). Origin and deformation of intra-salt sulphate layers: an example from the Dutch Zechstein (Late Permian). International Journal of Earth Sciences103, Issue 3, 697-712
- Vackiner, A.A., Antrett, P., Strozyk, F., Stollhofen, H., Back, S., Kukla, P.A., (2013). Salt kinematics and regional tectonics across a Permian gas field: a case study from East Frisia, NW Germany. International Jurnal of Earth Sciences, 102, 1701-1716
- Abeed, Q., Littke, R., Strozyk, F. & Anna K. Uffmann (2013). The Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous Petroleum System of Southern Iraq: a 3D Basin Modelling Study. GeoArabia, v. 18, no. 1, p. 179-200
- Vackiner, A.A., Antrett, P., Strozyk, F., Stollhofen, H., Back, S., Kukla, P.A., (2012). Reconstructing the Upper Permian sedimentary facies distribution of a tight gas field in Central Europe on the basis of a modern analog field study in the Panamint Valley, western U.S., Geosphere v. 8, p. 1129 - 1145
- Li, Shiyuan; Abe, Steffen; Strozyk, Frank ; Kukla, Peter A.; van Gent, Heijn, (2012). A method to evaluate long-term rheology of Zechstein salt in the Tertiary, In: Mechanical Behavior of Salt VII- Berest, Ghoreychi. - London : Taylor Francis, 2012
Strozyk, F., H. van Gent, J.L. Urai, P.A. Kukla, (2012). 3D seismic study of complex intra-salt deformation: an example from the Zechstein 3 stringer in the western Dutch offshore. In:Alsop,G. I.,Archer, S. G.,Hartley,A. J.,Grant, N. T.&Hodgkinson,R. (eds). Salt Tectonics, Sediments and Prospectivity. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 363, p. 489–501
Strozyk, F., M. Strasser, A. Förster, A. Kopf, and K. Huhn, (2010) Slope failure repetition in active margin environments: Constraints from submarine landslides in the Hellenic fore arc, eastern Mediterranean, J. Geophys. Res., 115
Strozyk, F., Strasser, M., Krastel,S., Meyer, M., Huhn, K., (2010). Reconstruction of retreating mass wasting in response to progressive slope steepening of the northeastern Cretan margin, eastern Mediterranean, Marine Geology 271, Issues 1-2, p. 44-54
Strozyk, F., Huhn, K., Krastel, S., Strasser, M., Kock, I., Kopf, A.J., (2009). New evidence for massive gravitational mass-transport deposits in the southern Cretan Sea, eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology 263, p. 97-107
- Back, S., F. Strozyk, P.A. Kukla and J.J. Lambias, (2008). 3D restoration of original sedimentary geometries in deformed basin fill, onshore Brunei Darussalam, NW Borneo. Basin Research, 20, p. 99-117
Book chapters
Strozyk, F., Reuning, L., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Tanner, D. (2017). The tectonic history of the Zechstein Basin in the Netherlands and Germany. In: J.I. Soto, J. Flinch, G. Tari (Eds), Permo-Triassic salt provinces in Europe, North Africa and the atlantic margins: Tectonics and hydrocarbon potential. Elsevier.
Strozyk, F. (2017). The internal structure of the Zechstein salt and related drilling risks in the northern Netherlands. In: J.I. Soto, Flinch, J.F., Tari, G. (Eds), Permo-Triassic salt provinces in Europe, North Africa and the atlantic margins: Tectonics and hydrocarbon potential. Elsevier.
- Huhn, K., Strozyk, F., Kock, I. (2016). Quantifying the key role of slope material peak strength – using discrete element simulations. In: Lamarche G, Mountjoy J (eds), Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 537–546. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20979-1_54
Selected conference contributions
- Strozyk, F., Janos Urai, Shiyuan Li, Joyce Schmatz, Bianca Biehl, Lars Reuning, Alexander Raith, Steffen Abe, Heijn van Gent, Martin de Keijzer, and Peter Kukla, 2016. The structure of the Zechstein 3 stringer in the northern Netherlands, and its implications for salt kinematics and rheology. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- Strozyk, F., Back, S., Kukla, P.A., 2015. Regional Seismic-Based Comparison of Syn- and Postrift Sequences in Salt and Salt-Free Basins Offshore Brazil and Angola/Namibia, South Atlantic. Gulf Coast Section SEPM, Houston, 2015.
- Althoff, J., Strozyk, F., Back, S., 2015. 3D Subsurface Characterization of Jurassic Unconformities in the Lower Saxony Basin, Netherlands. SPE International, German Section (GSSPE) mit DGMK 2015.
- Soika, K., Strozyk, F., Back, S., 2015. Integrated Analysis of Unconfornities Onshore the Northern Netherlands. SPE International, German Section (GSSPE) mit DGMK 2015.
- Strozyk, F., Stefan Back, and Peter Kukla, 2015. Regional comparison of syn- and post-rift sequences in salt and salt-free basins offshore Brazil and Angola/Namibia, South Atlantic. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.
- Back, S., Engmann, J., Soika, K., Belde, J., Strozyk, F. & Reuning, L. 2014. Detection, visualization and analysis of buried hiatal surfaces. SDGG, v. 85, p. 187.
- Strozyk, F., Janos L. Urai, Heijn van Gent, Martin de Keijzer, and Peter A. Kukla, 2014. The internal structure of salt: insights from a regional 3D seismic study of the Permian Zechstein 3 intra-salt stringer in the Northern Netherlands, and its implications for salt tectonics. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.
- Alexander Raith, Frank Strozyk, and Janos Urai, 2014. The structural evolution of soft K-Mg salts in the Veendam Pillow, northern Netherlands. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.
- Bianca C. Biehl, Lars Reuning, Frank Strozyk, and Peter A. Kukla, 2014. Genesis of sub-seismic intra-salt layers and their use as tracers for salt deformation. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.
- Biehl, B.C., Reuning, L., Strozyk, F., Kukla, P.A. The formation of Late Permian Zechstein 2 sulphate layers in the Dutch onshore and their implications for complex salt deformation. 30th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 2-5 September, Manchester, UK (2013).
- Strozyk, F., Back, S. & Kukla, P. 2013. Comparative structural reconstruction of the post-breakup succession in conjugated salt and salt-free basins offshore South-America and South-Africa. EGU General Assembly, 2013, Vienna.
- E.-M. Krejci, B.C. Biehl, F. Strozyk, L. Reuning, and P. Kukla. Geometry of Z3 carbonate-anhydrite stringer and kinematic restoration, onshore northern Netherlands using 3D seismic data. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-5063, 2012. EGU General Assembly (2012).
- Urai, J.L., Kukla, P.A., van Gent, H., Strozyk, F., Abe, S., Li, S., Desbois, G., Schmatz, J., Schoenherr, J., Schleder, Z., 2012. Internal Dynamics and Rheology of salt structures - an integrated model. Saltmech 7, Paris (France), 16.-19. April 012.
- Strozyk, F., Back, S. & Kukla, P. 2012. Post-breakup basin evolution along the South-American and South-African margins, southern Atlantic. 46° Congresso Brasileiro Geologia, Santos.
- B.C. Biehl, E.-M. Krejci, L. Reuning, F. Strozyk, and P. Kukla. Stratigraphy, sedimentology and diagenesis of the Zechstein carbonate-evaporate cycles onshore northern Netherlands. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-5095, 2012. EGU General Assembly (2012).
- Heijn van Gent, Frank Strozyk, Janos Urai, Martin de Keijzer. 2013. 3D internal structure of the Zechstein evaporites. DEFORMATION MECHANISMS, RHEOLOGY & TECTONICS, KU Leuven 16-18 September 2013, Leuven, Belgium.
- Heijn van Gent, Frank Strozyk, Janos Urai, Martin de Keijzer, Peter Kukla. 2012. The large scale structures of the Late Permian Zechstein 3 intra-salt stringer, northern Netherlands. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-9840, 2012. EGU General Assembly 2012.
- Heijn van Gent, Frank Strozyk, Janos Urai, Martin de Keijzer. 2011. Seismic interpretation of the internal geometry of the Zechstein evaporites - Large scale structures and internal stability. EGU General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, pp. EGU2011
- Heijn van Gent, Janos Urai, Martin de Keijzer, Frank Strozyk. 2010. The internal geometry of the Zechstein - Seismic interpretation of coeval extension and compression. GeoDarmstadt 2010, Darmstadt, Germany, 10-13 October 2010, Hoppe, Röhling, Schütz (eds) Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften.
- Back, S., Strozyk, F. & Kukla, P.A.: 2006. 3D static and dynamic modelling of middle Miocene depositional systems, onshore Brunei Darussalam, NW Borneo. In: von Eynatten, H., Dunkl, I., Fischer, C., Karius, V. & Ruppert, H. (eds.), Sediment 2006. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, v. 45, p. 37
- Kukla, P. A.; Strozyk, F.; Back, S., 2013. Post-breakup Basin Evolution along the South-Atlantic Margins in Brazil and Angola/Namibia. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.
- Strozyk, F., S. Back, and P.A. Kukla. 2012. Comparative analysis of post-breakup basin evolution along the South-American and South-African margins, southern Atlantic. EGU General Assembly 2012.
- Stegmann, S., Kopf, Achim, Krastel, Sebastian, Spiess, V., Förster, A., Metzen, J. und Strozyk, F., 2008. In situ cone penetrometer measurements identify excess pore pressure regimes in subbottom sediments: A further piece in the puzzle the Nice 1979 Airport Slide (French Rivera). EGU General Assembly, 14.04.-18.04, Vienna, Austria.
- Back, S.; Strozyk, F.; Kukla, P. (2007): A combined 3D surface-subsurface model of the middle Miocene Belait Delta, onshore Brunei Darussalam, NW Borneo. - In: Geophysical Research Abstracts / EGU. 2007, EGU2007-A-06245
Supervision MSc/BSc theses:
- Biehl, B. C. (2011): The Zechstein carbonate-evaporate cycles onshore northern Netherlands: Stratigraphy, sedimentology and diagenesis of the Stassfurt Salt to Aller Formation (ZEZ2H – ZE4); MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Kreijci, E.-M. (2011): Structural model of the Zechstein, onshore northern Netherlands, from 3D seismic interpretation and kinematic restoration; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Bruckmann, J. (2012): Tectono-stratigraphic model of the Congo proximal shelf and onshore margin - Implications for the post-breakup evolution of South Atlantic margins; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Fischer, M. D. (2012): 3D seismic data-based tectono-stratigraphic interpretation of the north-eastern edge of the Broad Fourteens Basin offshore the Northern Netherlands; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Moritz, T. (2012): 3D seismic data-based tectono-stratigraphic inter-pretation of the Cleaver Bank High offshore Northern Netherlands; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Pötzl, M. (2012): 3D seismic data-based tectono-stratigraphic interpretation of the north-western Lower Saxony Basin onshore Northern Netherlands; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Mielke, M. (2014): Seismostratigraphischer Vergleich sedimentärer Becken des afrikanischen Kontinentalrandes nördlich und südlich des Walfisch-Rückens, Namibia und Angola; BSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Braun, K. (2014): Triggers of salt tectonics in the northern Netherlands: 3D-seismic study on the effect of differential loading in Early Triassic post-salt sediments; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Schneider, F. (2014): A high-resolution petroleum system model of the westernmost Lower Saxony Basin; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Höhne, M. (2014): Regional structure and stratigraphy of the Kwanza Basin offshore Angola: a 2D seismic-reflection interpretation and depth-conversion study; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Soika, K. (2015): Architectural and lithological analysis of unconformities based on seismic reflection data and borehole information onshore the northern Netherlands; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Althoff, J. (2015): 3D Subsurface Characterization of Jurassic Unconformities in the Lower Saxony Basin, NE Netherlands, Based on 3D Seismic-Reflection Data and Well-Log Information; MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Schoel, J. (2015): Comparison of 2D seismic-reflection lines of the Santos Salt Basin With the Salt-Free Pelotas Basin, Offshore Brazil, South Atlantic. MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Matkovskiy, S. (2016). Origin and evolution of thickened zones in the Permian Zechstein 3 intrasalt anhydrite stringer in the northern Netherlands”. MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Ecclestone, D.W. (2016). Integrated kinematic reconstruction & basin modeling evaluation of the westernmost Lower Saxony Basin, The Netherlands. MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.
- Hillebrand, C. (2016). Tectonic-stratigraphic interpretation and kinematic reconstruction along a regional NNW-SSW seismic-reflection transect across the eastern Netherlands . MSc thesis, RWTH Aachen University.