Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers

Office Location
Building: Miner Building
Room: moved to KIT
Wüllnerstr. 2
52064 Aachen
Institute of Reservoir-Petrology
Chris moved to KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Phone: moved to KIT
Phone 2: moved to KIT
VPN-No: 98271 (nur hochschulintern)
Fax: moved to KIT
christoph.hilgers@kit.eduHomepage: vitae
Current position
since 4/2016 Heading the Department of Structural Geology & Tectonics, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
since 2010 Heading the Department Reservoir-Petrology
Career progression
Muscat Vice-Rector GUtech LLC and Executive Director 2006-2009
GUtech at the Chair of Quality Management, WZL
Aachen Assistent C1, Habilitation and Venia Legendi 2001-2005
Research stays at:
Saint Louis Saint Louis University, Prof. David Kirschner 2004 & 2005
Canberra Australian National Unviersity, Prof. Stephen Cox 2001
Aachen Researcher DFG, PhD with Prof. Janos Urai 1997-2000
Research stays at:
Albany State University of New York at Albany, Prof. Win Means 1997
Nijmegen Department of Solid State Chemistry, Prof. Paul Bennema 1996
Education & Academics
Karlsruhe full professor since 2016
Aachen apl. Professor since 2012
London one year to MSc/ICID Applied Structural Geology & Rock Mechanics, Imperial College London
with Profs. John Cosgrove & Karel Schulmann
Aachen 9 semester to Diplom (MSc equiv.) in Geology from RWTH Aachen
with Profs. Roland Walter & Ulrich Glasmacher
Activities (selected)
in academic self-management:
since 2014 Society of Petroleum Engineers faculty adviser for the SPE RWTH Aachen University chapter
since 2013 Geologische Vereinigung e.V. campus representative
since 2012 Head of Examination Board MSc Applied Geosciences
since 2012 Representative Fachgruppe GuG for international cooperations outside EU
2012-2013 Steering committee for accreditation of our joint international MSc Applied Geophysics,
with TU Delft and ETH Zurich
2010-2011 Responsible for successful reaccreditation BSc & MSC Applied Geosciences &
BSc & MSc Georesourcesmanagement
in science and business:
2016 Convenor of 137th Annual Meeting of OGV e.V. in Aachen, Germany,
with Thomas R. Ruede on Geology on Geologie im Dreilaendereck Deutschland–Belgien–Niederlande, 29.3.-2.4.2016
2015 Session Chair at the DRT Conference in Aachen, Germany,
with Klaus Reicherter on Structural Diagenesis, Fluid Flow and HTMC Processes
2015 Co-Convenor of DRT Conference in Aachen, 5, Germany, 9.9.-11.9.2015
with Klaus Reicherter on Structural Diagenesis, Fluid Flow and HTMC Processes
2015 Co-Editor Journal Geotectonic Research, Vol. 97 (1)
with Christoph von Hagke, Janos Urai, Klaus Reicherter, Florian Wellmann
2012 Session Chair at the Geological Society of America GSA in Charlotte, NC,
with Stephen Laubauch and Mark Evans on Structural Diagenesis
2010 Editor Journal of Structural Geology Special Issue „Structural Diagenesis“
with Bill Dunne, Stephen Laubach, Peter Eichhubl
2006-2009 responsible for design, project planning, realization and operation of GUtech LLC in Muscat
2007 Editor Geotectonic Research Band 95, 114 pp
2005 Session Session at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA,
with David Wiltschko on Crustal Permeability
2003-2006 involved in deep drilling project RWTH-1 (2500 tvd) with geology research projects
2001-2006 Board member of the Vereinigung Aachener Geowissenschaftler e.V.
since 2001 involved in several projects for the E&P industry
Reviewer for
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geology, Geological Society London, Geological Society of America GSA Bulletin, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Structural Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Tectonophysics and for the American Chemical Society ACS Petroleum Research Fund USA, National Science Foundation USA and others
American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPG
American Society of Quality ASQ
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE
Fellow of the Geological Society London FGS
Geologische Vereinigung GV
JARA Energy - Resources EnergyLandscape
Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE
Vereinigung Aachener Geowissenschaftler VAG
Geometry and Heterogeneities of Reservoirs & Storage Sites; Microstructures & Geofluids; Structural Diagenesis; Reservoir Utilization & Energy Systems; Quality Management and Process Optimization; Transnational Higher Education; Public Outreach
some additional information can be found here:, and academic issues on GoogleScholar and ResearchGate
Chris in fractured carbonates, 9/2015
Selected peer-reviewed publications
- Krott, D., Hilgers, C., Buecker, C. 2015. Facies delineation by using a multivariate statistical model from onshore wells in the Nile delta. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 166(4):375-390.
- Becker, I., Wuestefeld, P., Hilgers, C., Koehrer, B. 2015. Sealing and leaching processes around normal faults in Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstones from outcrop analog studies. Geotectonic Research, 123-123
- Yasar Manss, Christoph Hilgers, Tobias Vraetz, Thomas Bartnitzki, Karl Nienhaus and Henning Buddenbaum 2015. Combined hyperspectral and Lidar-technology to optimize the location of drilling grids during mining (in German). Georesources 03/2015, 35-39
- Benjamin Busch, Rebecca Winkler, Keyvan Osivandi, Georg Nover, Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand, Christoph Hilgers 2015. Evolution of small-scale flow barriers in German Rotliegend siliciclastics. In: Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction, in the Geological Society, London, Special Publications series, 435
- Budny, C., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2015. Economic Feasibility of Pipeline and Underground Reservoir Storage Options for Power-to-Gas Load Balancing. Energy Conversion and Management, 102, 258-266
- Ankit, K., Selzer, M., Hilgers, C., Nestler, B. 2015. Phase-Field Modeling of Fracture Cementation Processes in 3-D. Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 4, 79-96
- Becker, S., Nollet, S., Laux, D., Nguyen, H.T., Fernandez-Steeger, T.M., Hilgers, C 2014. Methods to analyze fracture orientation patterns in Lower Carboniferous carbonate reservoir analogues in the Voreifel, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 165, 319-330.
- Budny, C., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2014. Economic Feasibility of Pipeline and Underground Reservoir Storage Options for Power-to-Gas Load Balancing. EnergyProcedia 61, 2201-2205.
- Wuestefeld, P., Hilgers, C. et al. 2014. Reservoir Heterogeneity in Upper Carboniferous Tight Gas Sandstones: Lessons Learned From an Analog Study. SPE-167793-MS
- Trautwein-Bruns, U., Hilgers, C., Becker, S, Kukla, P.A. 2011. Fracture and fault systems in the transition zone between the Lower Rhine embayment and the Rhenish Massif – results based on logging data from the RWTH-1 well, Aachen, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 162/3, 251-276.
- Becker, S. Hilgers, C., Kukla, P.A., Urai, J.L. 2011. Crack-seal microstructure evolution in bi-mineralic quartz-chlorite veins in shales and siltstones from the RWTH-1 well, Aachen, Germany. Journal of Structural Geology, 33/4, 676-689.
- Laubach, S.E, P. Eichhubl, C. Hilgers, R.H. Lander, 2010. Structural diagenesis. Journal of Structural Geology, 32, 1866-1872.
- Dunne, B., Laubach, S.E., Hilgers, C., Eichhubl, P. (eds.) 2010. Special issue on structural diagenesis. Journal of Structural Geology, 32(12), 114 pp.
- Nollet, S., Koerner, T., Kramm, U., Hilgers, C. 2009. Precipitation of fracture fillings and cements in the Buntsandstein (NW Germany). Geofluids, 9, 373-385.
- Sindern, S., Warnsloh, J.M., Trautwein-Bruns, U., Chatziliadou, M., Becker, S., Yüceer, S., Hilgers, C., Kramm, U. 2008. Geochemical composition of sedimentary rocks and imprint of hydrothermal fluid flow at the Variscan front – an example from the RWTH-1 well (Germany). Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 159/4, 623-640.
- Schléder, Z., Urai, J. L., Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., 2008. Solution-precipitation creep and fluid flow in halite: a case study of Zechstein (Z1) rocksalt from Neuhof salt mine (Germany). International Journal of Earth Sciences 97(5), 1045-1056.
- Van Noten, K., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L., Sintubin, M. 2008. Late burial to early tectonic quartz veins in the periphery of the High-Ardenne Slate Belt (Rursee, North Eifel, Germany). Geologica Belgica, 11/3-4, 179-198.
- Sindern, S., Stanjek, H., Hilgers, C., Etoundi, Y. 2007. Short-term hydrothermal effects on the ‘crystallinities’ of illite and chlorite in the footwall of the Aachen-Faille du Midi thrust fault – first results of the RWTH-1 drilling project. Clays and Clay Minerals, 55(2), 200-212.
- Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. (eds.) 2007. Special issue TSK 10. Geotectonic Research, 95, 114 pp.
- Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Schoenherr, J., Urai, J.L. 2006. Paleo-overpressure formation and dissipation in reservoir rocks. OIL GAS European Magazine, 122 (6), 68-73.
- Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2006. Experimental study of polycrystal growth from an advecting supersaturated fluid in a model fracture. Geofluids, 6, 185-200.
- Hilgers, C., Kirschner, D.L., Breton, J.-P., Urai, J.L. 2006. Fracture sealing and fluid overpressures in limestones of the Jabal Akhdar dome, Oman mountains. Geofluids, 6, 168-184.
- Hilgers, C., Sindern, S. 2005, Isotopic evidence on the growth history of antitaxial fibrous veins from the Alps and the Appalachians. Geofluids, 5, 239-250.
- Kenis, I., Urai, J.L., van der Zee, W., Hilgers, C., Sintubin, M. 2005, On the rheology of fine grained siliciclastic rocks deforming in the middle crust by solution-transfer creep. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233, 351-360.
- Nollet, S., Hilgers, C. 2005, Sealing of fluid pathways in a sedimentary basin – a case study from the Buntsandstein in the Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany). International Journal of Earth Science, 94, 1039-1055.
- Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2005, On the arrangement of solid inclusions in fibrous veins - implications for the growth process. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 481-494.
- Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Bons, P.D., Hilgers, C. 2005, Numerical simulations of polycrystal growth in veins. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 217-230.
- Hilgers, C., Tenthorey, E. 2004, Fracture sealing of quartzite under a temperature gradient: Experimental results. Terra Nova, 16(4), 173-178.
- Hilgers, C., Dilg-Gruschinski, K., Urai, J.L. 2004, Microstructural evolution of syntaxial veins formed by advective flow. Geology, 32(3), 261-264.
- Hilgers, C., Dilg-Gruschinski, K., Urai, J.L., 2003, Microstructures grown experimentally from advective supersaturated solution and their implication for natural vein systems. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79, p. 221-225.
- Hilgers, C., and Urai, J.L., 2002, Experimental study of syntaxial vein growth during lateral fluid flow in transmitted light: first results. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 24, p. 1029-1043.
- Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2002, Microstructural observations on natural syntectonic fibrous veins: Implications for the growth process. Tectonophysics, v. 352, p. 257-274.
- Hilgers, C., Koehn, D., Bons, P.D., and Urai, J.L., 2001, Development of crystal morphology during unitaxial growth in a progressively widening vein: II. Numerical simulations of the evolution of antitaxial fibrous veins. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 23, p. 873-885.
- Urai, J.L., Spaeth, G., van der Zee, W., and Hilgers, C., 2001, Evolution of mullion (formerly boudin) structures in the Variscan of the Ardennes and Eifel. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, v. 3, p. 1-17.
- Koehn, D., Bons, P.D., Hilgers, C., and Passchier, C.W., 2000, Animations of progressive fibrous vein and fringe formation. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, p. 1-16.
- Koehn, D., Hilgers, C., Bons, P.D., and Paschier, C.W., 2000, Numerical simulation of fibre growth in antitaxial strain fringes. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 22, p. 1311-1324.
Chris 4/2016