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Aktuelle Angebote Abschlussarbeiten:

Institut Art Titel Beschreibung Freischaltdatum Details Kontakt
Structural Geology B.Sc.-Thesis The analogue modelling of shear zones Wir suchen einen Bachelorstudenten an der RWTH, der sich im Rahmen seiner Bachelorarbeit mit Scherzonen in Analogmodellen unter Benutzung verschiedener Materialien beschäftigen möchte. 1.9.2011 link


Structural Geology M.Sc.-Thesis Discrete element modeling - 1 Scale dependence of fracture surface roughness and its connection to material heterogeneity
26.10.2011 link s.abe@ged.rwth-aachen.de
Structural Geology M.Sc.-Thesis Discrete element modeling - 2 Obtaining realistic fracture properties in Discrete Element Models – random particle packing vs. Clustering 26.10.2011 link s.abe@ged.rwth-aachen.de
Structural Geology M.Sc.-Thesis Discrete element modeling - 3 Grain fragmentation stresses in granular fault gouge 26.10.2011 link s.abe@ged.rwth-aachen.de
Structural Geology M.Sc.-Thesis Analogue experiments Scale dependence of Rock strength 26.10.2011 link s.abe@ged.rwth-aachen.de
Structural Geology M.Sc.-Thesis Microstructrual work - 1 Microstructures and mapping of deformation mechanisms in a rock salt fold from the Neuhof Mine 26.10.2011 link g.desbois@ged.rwth-aachen.de
Structural Geology M.Sc.-Thesis Microstructrual work - 2 Characterization of porosity in a Callovian-Oxfordian Clay (Tournemire Clay, France) 26.10.2011 link g.desbois@ged.rwth-aachen.de

