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Publications Prof. Dr. Littke



1        Littke, R. (1985):

Flözaufbau in den Dorstener, Horster und Essener Schichten der Bohrung Wulfener Heide 1 (nördliches Ruhrgebiet). -

Fortschr. Geol. Rheinld u. Westf. 33: 129-159.


2        Littke, R. (1985):

Aufbau und Entstehung von Flözen der Dorstener, Horster und Essener Schichten des Ruhrkarbons am Beispiel der Bohrung Wulfener Heide 1. -

Bochumer Geol. Geotechn. Arb., 18, 280 Seiten.





3        Littke, R., Malmsheimer, K.W., Mensink, K. & Rautenschlein, M. (1986):

Die Geologie im Gebiet des Kemnader Sees südlich Bochum. -

Geol. Wanderkarte, 1:10000, Inst. f. Geol., Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


4        Jankowski, B. & Littke, R. (1986):

Das organische Material der Ölschiefer von Messel. -

Geowissenschaften in unserer Zeit, 4,3, 73-80.





5        Littke, R. (1987):

Petrology and genesis of Upper Carboniferous seams from the Ruhr region, Western Germany. -

Int. Journ. Coal Geol. 7: 147-184.


6        Littke, R. & Rullkötter, J. (1987):

Mikroskopische und makroskopische Unterschiede zwischen Profilen reifen und unreifen Posidonienschiefers aus der Hilsmulde. - Fazies, 17, 171-180.


7          Stein, R. & Littke, R. (1987):

Änderungen von Paläoproduktivität und Paläoklima im Nordatlantik: Rekonstruktionen nach Untersuchungen an Corg-reichen Sedimenten von ODP-Legs 105 und 108. -

Heidelb. Geowissenschaftl. Abhandl., 8, 236-237.





8          Horsfield, B. & Littke, R. (1988):

On the thermal lability of n-alkyl groups in alginite kerogens. -

Terra Cognita, 8, 3, 218.


9          Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R., Radke, M. & Schaefer, R.G. (1988): 

Geochemical effects of petroleum migration and expulsion from Toar­cian source rocks in the Hils syncline area, NW-Germany. -

Org. Geochem., 13, 489-502, Pergamon Press, Oxford.


10        Littke, R., Baker, D.R. & Leythaeuser, D. (1988):

Microscopic and sedimentologic evidence for the generation and mi­gration of hydrocarbons in Toarcian source rocks of different maturi­ties. -

In: Adv. Org. Geochem. 1987 (Mattavelli, L. & Novelli, L., eds), Org. Geochem., 13, 549-559, Pergamon Press, Oxford.



11        Littke, R., Horsfield, B. & Leythaeuser, D. (1988):

Hydrocarbon distribution in coals and dispersed organic matter of dif­ferent maceral compositions and maturities. -

Terra Cognita, 8, 1, 27.


12        Littke, R, Horsfield, B. & Leythaeuser, D. (1988):

Kohlenwasserstoffgenese und -migration in karbonischen Kohlen in Abhängigkeit von Maceralzusammensetzung und Reife. -

Erdöl-Erdgas-Kohle, 104(4): 184.


13      Peirce, J., Weissel, J., Taylor, E., Dehn, J., Driscoll, N., Farrell, J., Fourtanier, E., Frey, F., Gamson, P.D., Gee, J.S., Gibson, I.L., Janecek,T., Klootwijk, C., Lawrence, J.R., Littke, R., Newman, J.S., Nomura, R., Owen, R.M., Pospichal, J.L., Rea, D.K., Resiwati, P., Saunders, A.D., Smit, J., Smith, G.M., Tamaki, K., Weis, D. & Wilkinson, C. (1988): 

A tale of two ridges. -

Nature, 335: 593-594.


14      Peirce, J., Weissel, J., Taylor, E., Dehn, J., Driscoll, N., Farrell, J., Fourta­nier, E., Frey, F., Gamson, P.D., Gee, J.S., Gibson, I.L., Janecek, T., Klootwijk, C., Lawrence, J.R., Littke, R., Newman, J. S., Nomura, R., Owen, R.M., Pospichal, J.L., Rea, D.K., Resiwati, P., Saunders, A.D., Smit, J., Smith, G.M., Tamaki, K., Weis, D. & Wilkinson, C. (1988):

Leg 121 traces rifting and hot spots. -

Geotimes, Nov. 1988, 9-11.


15      Rullkötter, J., Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R., Mann, U., Müller, P.J., Radke, M., Schaefer, R.G., Schenk, H.J., Schwochau, K., Witte, E.G. & Welte, D.H. (1988):

Organic matter maturation under the influence of a deep intrusive heat source: A natural experiment for quantitation of hydrocarbon genera­tion and expulsion from a petroleum source rock (Toarcian shale, Northern Germany). -

Org. Geochem., 13, 4-6, 847-856, Pergamon Press, Oxford.


16        Rullkötter, J., Littke, R., Hagedorn-Götz, I. & Jankowski, B. (1988):

Vorläufige Ergebnisse der organisch-geochemischen Untersuchungen an Kernproben des Messeler Ölschiefers. -

Der eozäne Messelsee - Eocene Lake Messel (Franzen, J.L. & Michaelis, W., eds), Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg , 107: 37-51.


17        Schaefer, R.G. & Littke, R. (1988):

Maturity-related compositional changes in the low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon fraction of Toarcian shales. -

Org. Geochem. 13(4-6): 887-892, Pergamon Press, Oxford.


18        Scheidt, G. & Littke, R. (1988):

Organic petrology of clastic sediments and coals from Western Ger­many. -

Terra Cognita 8(1): 27.


19        Stein, R., Rullkötter, J., Littke, R., Schaefer, R.G. & Welte, D.H. (1988):

Organofacies reconstruction and lipid geochemistry of sediments from the Galicia margin, Northeast Atlantic (ODP Leg 103). -

In: Boillot, G., Winterer, E.L., et al.: Proceed. Ocean Drilling Program, Sci. Results, 103, 567-585.






20      Brauckmann, F. & Littke, R. (1989):

Organische Spuren in Rotliegend-Sedimenten Nordwestdeutschlands -

Nachr. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 41: 17-18.


21      ten Haven, H.L., Littke, R. & Rullkötter, J. (1989):

Hydrocarbon biological markers in Carboniferous coals of different maturities from the Ruhr area (Northwest Germany). -

Preprints, Division of Petr. Chemistry, Amer. Chem. Soc., 34(1): 149-153.


22      Littke, R., Horsfield, B. & Leythaeuser, D. (1989):

Hydrocarbon distribution in coals and dispersed organic matter of different maceral compositions and maturities. -

Geol. Rundschau 78: 391-410.


23      Littke, R. & ten Haven, H.L. (1989):

Palaeoecologic trends and petroleum potential of Upper Carboniferous coal seams of Western Germany as revealed by their petrographic and organic geochemical characteristics. -

Int. J. Coal Geol. 13: 529-574.


24      Peirce, J., Weissel, J., Taylor, E., Dehn, J., Driscoll, N., Farrell, J., Fourta­nier, E., Frey, F., Gamson, P.D., Gee, J.S., Gibson, I.L., Janecek, T., Klootwijk, C., Lawrence,J.R., Littke, R., Newman,J.S., Nomura, R., Owen, R.M., Pospichal, J.J., Rea, D.K., Resiwati, P., Saunders, A.D., Smit, J., Smith, G.M., Tamaki, K., Weis, D. & Wilkinson, C. (1989):

Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 121 (Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge), 1000 p.


25      Scheidt, G. & Littke, R. (1989):

Comparative organic petrology of interlayered sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and coals in the Upper Carboniferous Ruhr basin, North­west-Germany, and their thermal history and methane generation. -

Geol. Rundschau 78: 375-390.


26        Stein, R., Littke, R., Stax, R. & Welte, D.H. (1989):

Quantity, provenance, and maturity of organic matter at ODP Sites 645, 646, and 647: Implications for reconstruction of paleoenviron­ments in Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea during Tertiary and Quaternary times. -

In: Srivastava, S., Arthur, M., et al. (eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 105, 185-208.


27        Stein, R., ten Haven, H.L., Littke, R., Rullkötter, J. & Welte, D.H. (1989):

Accumulation of marine and terrigenous organic carbon at upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659: Implications for the re­construction of paleoenvironments in the eastern subtropical Atlantic through Late Cenozoic times.-

In: Ruddiman, W., Sarnthein, M., et al. (eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 108, 361-385.





28        ten Haven, H.L., Littke, R., Rullkötter, J., Stein, R. & Welte, D.H. (1990):

Accumulation rates and composition of organic matter in late Cenozoic sediments underlying the active upwelling area off Peru. -

In: Suess, E., von Huene, R. et al. (eds.), Proceed. ODP, Sci. Results, 112, 591-606.


29        Littke, R., Leythaeuser, D., Radke, M. & Schaefer, R.G. (1990):

Petroleum generation and migration in coal seams of the Carboniferous Ruhr Basin, Northwest Germany. -

Org. Geochem. 16: 247-258, Pergamon Press, Oxford.


30      Ramanampisoa, L., Radke, M., Schaefer, R.G., Littke, R., Rullkötter, J. & Horsfield, B. (1990):

Organic-geochemical characterization of sediments from the Sakoa coalfield, Madagascar. -

Org. Geochem. 16: 235-246, Pergamon Press, Oxford.


31      Rea, D.K., Dehn, J., Driscoll, N., Farrell, J., Janecek, T., Owen, R.M., Pospichal, J.L., Resiwati, P., Fourtanier, E., Frey, F., Gamson, P. Gee, J.S., Gibson, I.L., Klootwijk, C., Lawrence, J.R., Littke, R., Newman, J.S., Nomura, R., Peirce, J., Saunders, A.D., Smit, J., Smith, G.M., Tamaki, K., Taylor, E., Weis, D., Weissel, J. & Wilkinson, C. (1990):

Paleoceanography of the Eastern Indian Ocean from ODP Leg 121 Drilling on Broken Ridge. -

Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 102: 679-690.


32        Rullkötter, J. & Littke, R. (1990):

Organische Geochemie - ein breitgefächertes interdisziplinäres For­schungsgebiet. I. Bedeutung der Geochemie für die Praxis. -

Erdöl & Kohle Erdgas Petrochemie/Hydrocarbon Technology, 43(11): 431-434.


33        Rullkötter, J., Littke, R. & Schaefer, R.G.(1990):

Characterization of organic matter in sulfur-rich lacustrine sediments of Miocene age (Nördlinger Ries, Southern Germany).-

In: Geochemistry of sulfur in fossil fuels (Orr, W.L. and White C.M., eds), Amer. Chem. Soc. Sympos. Series, 429: 149-169, Washington D.C.


34      Schenk, H.J., Witte, E.G., Littke, R. & Schwochau, K. (1990):

Structural modifications of vitrinite and alginite concentrates during pyrolytic maturation at different heating rates. A combined infrared, 13C NMR and microscopical study.-

Org. Geochem. 16, 943-950, Pergamon Press, Oxford.


35      Stein, R. & Littke, R. (1990):

Organic-carbon-rich sediments and paleoenvironment: results from Baffin Bay (ODP Leg 105) and the upwelling area off Northwest Af­rica (ODP Leg 108). -

In: Deposition of Organic Facies (Huc, A.Y., ed.), Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol., Studies in Geology, 30: 41-56.





36      Bauer, W., Leythaeuser, D. & Littke, R. (1991):

Geochemical characterization of different lithofacies in the Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale of SW-Germany and implications of maturity data for the thermal history. -

In: Organic Geochemistry: Advances and applications in energy and the natural environment (Manninig, D.A.C. ed.), Manchester University Press, Manchester, 134-138.


37      ten Haven, H.L., Littke, R. & Rullkötter, J. (1991):

Hydrocarbon biological markers in Carboniferous coals of different maturities. -

In: Biological markers in sediments and petroleum. A tribute to Wolfgang K. Seifert (Moldowan, M., Albrecht, P. & Philp, R.P., eds), 142-155, Amer. Chem. Soc. Sympos. Ser., Prentice Hall.


38        Horsfield, B., Heckers, J., Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R. & Mann, U. (1991):

A study of the Holzener Asphaltkalk, Northern Germany: Observations regarding the distribution, composition and origin of organic matter in an exhumed petroleum reservoir. -

J. Marine Petr. Geol. 8: 198-211.


39        Jochum, J., Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R. (1991):

Oil-bearing fluid inclusions in calcite-filled horizontal fractures from mature Posidonia Shale (Hils Syncline, NW Germany). -

In: Organic Geochemistry: Advances and applications in energy and the natural environment (Manning, D.A.C., ed.), Manchester Univer­sity Press, Manchester, 160-162.


40        Littke, R., Baker, D.R., Leythaeuser, D. & Rullkötter, J. (1991):

Keys to the depositional history of the Posidonia Shale (Toarcian) in the Hils syncline, Northern Germany. -

In: Modern and ancient continental shelf anoxia (Tyson, R.V. & Pear­son, T., eds), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 58: 311-334.



41        Littke, R., Fourtanier, E., Thurow. J. & Taylor, E. (1991):

Silica diagenesis and its effects on lithification of Broken Ridge depos­its, Central Indian Ocean. -

In: Peirce, J., Weissel, J., et al. (eds), 1991, Proc. ODP , Sci. Results, 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 261-272.


42        Littke, R., Klussmann, U., Krooß, B. & Leythaeuser, D. (1991):

Quantification of losses of calcite, pyrite and organic matter due to weathering of Toarcian black shales and effects on kerogen and bitu­men characteristics. -

In: Organic Geochemistry: Advances and applications in energy and the natural environment (Manning, D.A.C., ed.), Manchester Univer­sity Press, Manchester, 533-536 (Extended Abstract).


43        Littke, R., Klussmann, U., Krooß, B. & Leythaeuser, D. (1991):

Quantification of calcite-, pyrite-, and organic matter-loss due to weathering of Toarcian black shales and effects on kerogen and bitu­men characteristics. -

Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55: 3369-3378.


44        Littke, R., Rotzal, H., Leythaeuser, D. & Baker, D.R. (1991):

Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale in Southern Germany (Schwäbische Alb). Organic Facies, Depositional Environment, and Maturity -

Erdöl & Kohle Erdgas Petrochemie/Hydrocarbon Technology 44: 407-414.


45        Littke, R., Rullkötter, J. & Schaefer, R.G. (1991):

Organic and carbonate carbon accumulation on Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge, Central Indian Ocean. -

In: Peirce, J., Weissel, J., et al. (eds), 1991, Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 467-487.


46        Rullkötter, J. & Littke, R. (1991):

Constraints on depositional environment derived from organic matter composition of CTBE black shales from offshore NW Australia and the Atlantic Ocean. -

Geologie Alpine, Mem.h.s. 17: 115.


47        Rullkötter, J. & Littke, R. (1991):

Organische Geochemie - ein breitgefächertes interdisziplinäres For­schungsgebiet. II. Aufklärung grundlegender geochemischer Prozesse. -

Erdöl & Kohle Erdgas Petrochemie/Hydrocarbon Technology 44(1): 11-19.


48        Schaefer, R.G., Littke, R. & Leythaeuser, D. (1991):

Low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons in sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Sites 752, 754, 755 (Broken Ridge), 757 and 758 (Ninetyeast Ridge), Central Indian Ocean. -

In: Peirce, J., Weissel, J., et al. (eds), 1991, Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 457-466.


49      Sundararaman, P., Schoell, M., Littke, R., Baker, D.R., Leythaeuser, D. & Rullkötter, J. (1991):

Depositional environment of Toarcian shales from NW-Germany as monitored by porphyrins and carbon isotopes. -

In: Organic Geochemistry. Advances and applications in energy and the natural environment (Manning, D.A.C. ed.), Manchester University Press, Manchester, 389-390 (Extended Abstract).





50      Horsfield, B., Bharati, S., Larter, S.R., Leistner, F., Littke, R., Schenk, H.J. & Dypvik, H. (1992):

On the atypical petroleum-generation characteristics of alginite in the Cambrian Alum Shale -

In: Proc. 9th Alfred Wegener Confer. "Early organic evolution: Impli­cations for mineral and energy resources" (Schidlowski, M., ed.), 257-266, Springer-Verlag.


51      Lichtfouse, E., Littke, R., Disko, U., Willsch, H., Rullkötter, J. & Stein, R. (1992):

Geochemistry and petrology of organic matter in Miocene to Quaternary deep sea sediments from the Japan Sea (Sites 798 and 799). -

In: Pisciotto, K.A., Ingle, J.C., Jr., von Breymann, M.T., Barron, J. et al., 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Vol. 127/128, Pt. 1, pp. 667-675.


52        Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1992):

Hydrocarbon source rocks. -

In: Brown, Hawkesworth & Wilson (eds), Understanding the Earth, Cambridge Univ. Press, 364-374.


53      Rullkötter, J., Littke, R., Radke, M., Disko, U., Horsfield, B. & Thurow, J. (1992):

Petrography and geochemistry of organic matter in Triassic and Creta­ceous deep sea sediments from the Wombat and Exmouth plateaus off northwest Australia (ODP Legs 122 and 123).-

In: Haq, B.U., von Rad, U., et al. (eds), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 122: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 317-333.


54        Sachsenhofer, R.F., Ebner, F. & Littke, R. (1992):

Heat flow modeling in the Styrian basin. -

Terra Nova, 4, Abstract Supplement 3.


55        Thurow, J., Brumsack, H.J., Littke, R., Meyers, P. & Rullkötter, J. (1992):

The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event in the Indian Ocean - a key to understand the global picture.

Geophys. Monograph, 70 (Synthesis of Results from Scientific Drilling in the Indian Ocean), 253-273.





56        Horsfield, B, Littke, R., Schenk, H.J., Mann, U. & Curry, D.J. (1993):

Organic geochemistry of freshwater and alkaline lacustrine environments, Green River Formation, Wyoming. Part II. Kerogen characterisation and source rock evaluation. -

In Oygard, K. (ed.): Organic Geochemistry, 321-324, published by Falch Hurtigtrykk, Oslo (Extended Abstract).


57        Jendrzejewski, L, Littke, R & Rullkötter, J. (1993):

Organic-geochemical cycles in the boreal Lower Cretaceous: The Bo­real Cretaceous Cycles Project (BCCP). -

Terra Nova, 5 (1993), Abstract supplement 1, 701 .


58        Leischner, K., Welte, D.H. & Littke, R. (1993):

Fluid inclusions and organic maturity parameters as calibration tools in basin modelling. -

In Dore, A.G. et al. (eds): Basin Modelling: Advances and applications, NPF Special Public. 3: 161-172, Elsevier, Amsterdam.


59        Littke, R. (1993):

Deposition, diagenesis and weathering of organic matter-rich sediments. -

Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 47, 218 pp.


60        Littke, R., Krooß, B., Frielingsdorf, J., Müller, B. & Schwochau, K. (1993):

Generation of nitrogen and methane from Carboniferous coals. -

In Oygard, K. (ed.): Organic Geochemistry, 290-295, published by Falch Hurtigtrykk, Oslo (Extended Abstract).


61        Littke, R. & Leythaeuser, D. (1993):

Migration of oil and gas in coals. -

In: Law, B.E. & Rice, D.D. (eds), Hydrocarbons from Coal. -

Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol., Studies in Geology  38: 219-236.


62        Littke, R., Radke, M., Disko, U. & Rullkötter, J. (1993):

Comparison of maturity parameters determined for Upper Carbonifer­ous coals and interlayered siltstones from two wells in western Ger­many. -

In Oygard, K. (ed.): Organic Geochemistry, 169-173, published by Falch Hurtigtrykk, Oslo (Extended Abstract).


63        Littke, R., Sachsenhofer, R.F., Hantschel, T. & Wygrala, B. (1993):

Absenkungsgeschichte und Kohlenwasserstoffbildung im Oberkarbon des westlichen Emslandes. -

Deutsche Wissensch. Gesell. für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle, Forschungsber. 459-2, 114 pp., Hamburg.


64        Sachsenhofer, R.F. & Littke, R. (1993):

2-D heat flow modelling in a basin with volcanic activity: The Styrian basin. -

Terra Nova, 5 (1993), Abstract supplement 1, 656.



65      Sachsenhofer, R.F. & Littke, R. (1993):

Vergleich und Bewertung verschiedener Methoden zur Berechnung der Vitrinitreflexion am Beispiel von Bohrungen im Steirischen Tertiär­becken. -

N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 1993, 597-610.


66      Sachsenhofer, R.F. & Littke, R. (1993):

Characterization of organic matter in the Styrian basin (Austria, Pan­nonian basin system). -

In Oygard, K. (ed.): Organic Geochemistry, 26-30, published by Falch Hurtigtrykk, Oslo (Extended Abstract).


67      Sundararaman, P., Schoell, M., Littke, R., Baker, D.R., Leythaeuser, D. &

Rullkötter, J. (1993):

Depositional environment of Toarcian shales from northern Germany as monitored with porphyrins. -

Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57: 4213-4218.






68      Büker, C., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1994):

New aspects on the evolution of the Carboniferous Ruhr basin (Germany), as derived from basin modelling. -

Nachr. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 52: 70.


69      Büker, C., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1994):

Simulation der thermischen Geschichte abgewickelter Profile durch das Rhenoherzynikum. -

Terra Nostra 3/94: 28-30.


70      Horsfield, B., Curry, D.J., Bohacs, K., Littke, R., Rullkötter, J., Schenk, H.J., Radke, M., Schaefer, R.G., Caroll, A.R., Isaksen, G. & Witte, E.G. (1994):

Organic geochemistry of freshwater and alkaline lacustrine sediments in the Green River Formation of the Washakie Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A. -

Org. Geochem. 22: 415-440.


71      Littke, R., Büker, C., Lückge, A., Sachsenhofer, R.F. & Welte, D.H. (1994):

A new evaluation of palaeo-heat flows and eroded thicknesses for the Carboniferous Ruhr basin, western Germany. -

Int. Journ. Coal Geol. 26: 155-183.


72      Littke, R. & Sachsenhofer, R.F. (1994):

Organic petrology of deep-sea sediments: a compilation of results from the Ocean Drilling Program and the Deep Sea Drilling Project. -

Energy and Fuels 8: 1498-1512.


73      Thurow, J., Fenner, J., Littke, R. et al. (BCCP Group) (1994):

The Upper Albian in northern Germany: Results from the Kirchrode 1/91 borehole, Boreal Cretaceaous Cycles Project (BCCP). -

Zentralbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil I, 1993, 809-822.





74        Büker, C., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1995):

Simulation der thermischen Geschichte abgewickelter Profile durch das Rhenoherzynikum. -

Terra Nostra 95(8): 17-21.


75        Büker, C., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1995):

Die Termperaturgeschichte des Ruhr-Beckens und nördlichen Rhenoherzynikums entlang DEKORP 2N. -

Terra Nostra 95(8): 89-90.


76        Büker, C., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1995):

2D-modelling of the thermal evolution of Carboniferous and Devonian sedimentary rocks of the eastern Ruhr basin and northern Rhenish Massif, Germany. -

Zeitschr. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 146: 321-339.


77        Büker, C., Littke, R., Welte, D.H. & Leischner, K. (1995):

Numerical simulations of the complex temperature, burial, and erosion histories for sedimentary basins and their calibration: examples from western Germany. -

Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol., Bull. 79(8): 1201.


78        Idiz, E., Krooss, B.M., Horsfield, B., Littke, R. & Müller, B. (1995):

Generation of hydrocarbon gases and molecular nitrogen from coals. -

In: Grimalt, J.O. & Dorronsoro, C. (eds): Organic Geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment and human history, 1089-1091, published by A.I.G.O.A., Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (Extended Abstract).


79        Jochum, J., Friedrich, G., Leythaeuser, D. & Littke, R. (1995):

Intraformational re-distribution of trace elements in Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale (Hils Syncline, NW-Germany) caused by the thermal influence of the Vlotho Massif. -

In Pasava, J., Kribek, B. & Zak, K. (eds): Mineral deposits: from their origin to their environmental impacts, 949-952, Balkema, Rotterdam.


80        Jochum, J., Friedrich, G., Leythaeuser, D. & Littke, R. (1995 a):

Intraformational redistribution of selected trace elements in the Posidonia Shale (Hils Syncline, NW-Germany) caused by the thermal influence of the Vlotho Massif. -

Ore Geol. Reviews 9: 353-362.


81        Jochum, J., Friedrich, G., Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R. & Ropertz, B. (1995 b):

Hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions in calcite-filled horizontal fractures from mature Posidonia Shale (Hils syncline, NW-Germany). -

Ore Geol. Reviews 9: 363-370.


82      Krooß, B.M., Littke, R., Müller, B., Frielingsdorf, J., & Schwochau, K. (1995):

Generation of nitrogen and methane from sedimentary organic matter: Implications on the dynamics of natural gas accumulations. -

Chem. Geol. 126: 291-318.


83      Kvenvolden, K.A., Rullkötter, J., Hostettler, F.D., Rapp, J.B., Littke, R., Disko, U., Scholz-Böttcher, B. (1995):

High-molecular-weight hydrocarbons in a south latitude setting off the coast of Chile, Site 859. -

In Lewis, S.D., Behrmann, J.H., Musgrave, R.J., and Cande, S.C. (eds): Proceedings ODP, Sci. Results, 141: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 287-298.


84        Littke, R., Krooss, B., Idiz, E.F. & Frielingsdorf, J. (1995):

Molecular nitrogen in natural gas accumulations: generation from sedimentary organic matter at high temperatures. -

Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull. 79(3): 410-430.


85        Littke, R., Disko, U. & Rullkötter, J. (1995):

Characterization of organic matter in deep sea sediments on the Chile continental margin (ODP Leg 141) with special emphasis on maturation in an area of high geothermal heat flow. -

In Lewis, S.D., Behrmann, J.H., Musgrave, R.J., and Cande, S.C. (eds): Proceedings ODP, Sci. Results, 141: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 119-132.


86        Littke, R., Wilkes, H. & Disko, U. (1995):

Organic matter accumulation in a thick, lacustrine, Lower Cretaceous sedimentary sequence in Gabon: facies and maturity variations. -

In: Grimalt, J.O. & Dorronsoro, C. (eds): Organic Geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment and human history, 118-120, published by A.I.G.O.A., Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (Extended Abstract).


87      Lopatin, N.V., Cramer, B., Littke, R., Poelchau, H.S., Schaefer, R.G. & Welte, D.H. (1995):

West Siberian gas: Geochemical features, hydrocarbon generation modelling and origin of gas from low maturity sediments. -

In: Grimalt, J.O. & Dorronsoro, C. (eds): Organic Geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment and human history, 1124-1126, published by A.I.G.O.A., Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (Extended Abstract).


88      Lückge, A., Horsfield, B., Lallier-Vergès, E., Rullkötter, J. & Littke, R. (1995):

Organic matter preservation in immature sediments below high-productivity-zones along continental margins (Peru and Oman upwelling areas). -

In: Grimalt, J.O. & Dorronsoro, C. (eds): Organic Geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment and human history, 869-871, published by A.I.G.O.A., Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (Extended Abstract).


89        Neunzert, G. & Littke, R. (1995):

Integrierte 2D Modellierung der Temperatur- und Versenkungsgeschichte, der Gasgenese und Migration entlang seismischer Linien im Nordwestdeutschen Becken. -

Nachr. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 54: 141-142.


90        Neunzert, G., Littke, R. & Idiz, E.F. (1995):

An integrated approach to model generation, migration, and accumulation of methane and molecular nitrogen in the Northwest German Basin. -

Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol., Bull. 79(8): 1240.


91      Rullkötter, J., Littke, R., Heber, G., Horsfield, B., Jendrzejewski, L., Noto, H., Radke, M. & Schaefer, R.G. (1995):

Organic matter in Upper Barremian to Lower Aptian sediments in the Lower Saxony basin, NW Germany (Wiechendorf 1/86 borehole). -

Geol. Jb., Reihe A, 141:563-586.


92      Rullkötter, J., Littke, R., Jendrzejewski, L., Notø, H., Radke, M. & Schaefer, R.G. (1995):

Organic matter in dark and light coloured late Middle Aptian marine sediments from the Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany (Hoheneggelsen KB3 borehole) -
N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 196(2): 257-273.


93        Schaefer, R.G., Schenk, H.J. & Littke, R. (1995):

The origin of the West-Siberian gas accumulations:Reaction kinetics of gas formation. -

In: Grimalt, J.O. & Dorronsoro, C. (eds): Organic Geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment and human history, 1126-1128, published by A.I.G.O.A., Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (Extended Abstract).





94        Büker, C., Carpitella, F., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (1996):

Burial and thermal history of Carboniferous sediments in well Floverich 2E-1 (Aachen-Erkelenz coal district, Germany). -

Zentralbl. Geol. Pal., Teil I, 1994, H. 11/12: 1261-1274.


95        Courel, L., Littke, R., Muller, A. & Swennen, R. (eds) (1996):

Reservoir Geology. -

Zentralbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil I, 1994, Heft 11/12, 322 pp.


96        Erbacher, J., Thurow, J. & Littke, R. (1996):

Evolution patterns of radiolaria and organic matter variations: a new approach to identify sea-level changes in mid-Cretaceous pelagic environments. -

Geology 24(6): 499-502.


97      Gnewuch, F., Jendrzejewski, L. & Littke, R. (1996):

Organic geochemical investigation of Lower Cretaceous sediments in the Lower Saxony Basin: The Ahlum 1 borehole. -

Zentralbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil I, 1994, H. 11/12: 1293-1310.



98        Littke, R. (1996):

Organische Temperaturindikatoren in Sedimenten. -

Deutsche Geophys. Ges. Mitt., Sonderband II/1996 „Wärmetransport in der Kruste - Beiträge zur allgemeinen und angewandten Geothermik“ (ISSN-Nr. 0947-1944), 25-28.


99        Littke, R., Brauckmann, F.J., Radke, M. & Schaefer, R.G. (1996):

Solid bitumen in Rotliegend gas reservoirs in northern Germany: Implications for their thermal and filling history. -

Zentralbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil I, 1994, H. 11/12: 1275-1292.


100       Littke, R., Büker, C. & Düssel, C. (1996):

Absenkungs-, Erosions- und Temperaturgeschichte paläozoischer Formationen des rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirges und Ruhrbeckens entlang des DEKORP 2N-Profils. -

Terra Nostra 96(2): 139-141.


101       Littke, R., Büker, C., Düssel, C., Friberg, L., Karg, H. & Welte, D.H. (1996):

Absenkungs-, Erosions- und Temperaturgeschichte paläozoischer Formationen des rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirges und Ruhrbeckens entlang des DEKORP 2N-Profils sowie entlang des Rheins. -

Terra Nostra 96(2): 141-144.


102       Lückge, A., Böttcher, P. & Littke, R. (1996):

Sedimentation und Frühdiagenese von quartären und tertiären Auftriebssedimenten vor Peru: Ein Modell für die Bildung von Erdölmuttergesteinen? -

Zentralbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 1995, 229-247.


103       Lückge, A., Boussafir, M., Lallier-Vergès, E. & Littke, R. (1996):

Comparative study of organic matter preservation in immature sediments along the continental margins of Peru and Oman. Part I: results of petrographical and bulk geochemical data. -

Organic Geochemistry 24: 437-451.


104       Lückge, A., Rullkötter, J. & Littke, R. (1996):

Organic matter preservation in immature sediments along the continental margins of Peru and Oman. -

Terra Nostra 96(4): 58.


105       Neunzert, G.H., Gaupp, R. & Littke, R. (1996):

Absenkungs- und Temperaturgeschichte paläozoischer und mesozoischer Formationen im Nordwestdeutschen Becken. -

Zeitschr. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 147(2): 183-208.


106       Neunzert, G.H. & Littke, R. (1996):

2D Simulation der Absenkungs- und Temperaturgeschichte sowie der Methan- und Stickstoffbildung im Nordwestdeutschen Becken. -

Deutsche Wissensch. Gesell. für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle, Tagungsber. 9602, 77-86, Hamburg (ISBN 3-931850-03-X).


107       Rodriguez, J. & Littke, R. (1996):

Burial history, thermal maturation and hydrocarbon generation in the Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina.

Terra Nostra 96(8): 121-122.


108       Rullkötter, J., Littke, R., Jendrezjewski, L., Baumgart, S., Rinna, J. &

      Wang, S. (1996):

Organic geochemistry of upper Lower Cretaceous sediments in the Lower Saxony Basin of northern Germany: depositional environment and sedimentary cycles.
In: Reitner, J., Neuweiler, F. & Gunkel, F. (eds): Global and regional controls of biogenic sedimentation. II. Cretaceous sedimentation. Res. Rep. Goettinger Arb. Geol. Palaeont., Sb3, 35-37.





109    Büker, C., Carter, A., Johnson, Ch., Karg, H., Littke, R., Richter, D. &

Welte, D.H. (1997):

The thermal history of the Carboniferous Ruhr basin: implications for ist geological evolution. -

          Gaea heidelbergensis 3: 93-94


110       Cramer, B., Braun, A., Poelchau, H.S. & Littke, R. (1997):

Gashydrate und Permafrost im kontinentalen nördlichen Westsibirien. -

Deutsche Wiss. Ges. f. Erdöl u. Kohle (DGMK) Tagungsber., 9706, 27-36.


111       Gaschnitz, R., Krooss, B.M. & Littke, R. (1997):

Coalbed methane: adsorptive gas storage capacity of coal seams in the Upper Carboniferous of the Ruhr Basin, Germany. -

Procedures Amer Assoc. Petr. Geol Eastern Section and The Soc. of Org. Petrology Joint Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, 42-44 (ISSN 1060-7250).


112       Hertle, A., Müller, R. , Schäfer, A. & Littke, R. (1997):

Modelling of burial and thermal history and the structural evolution of the Permo-Carboniferous Saar-Nahe Basin, SW-Germany -- initial results. -

Terra Nova 9: 102.


113       Karg, H., Büker, C., Littke, R., Nöth, S. & Welte, D.H. (1997):

Numerical simulation of temperature-, burial- and erosion history of the Northern Rhenish Massif and its Subvariscian foredeep.

Terra Nova 9: 113.


114       Karg, H., Büker, C., Littke, R., Nöth, S. & Welte, D.H. (1997):

Numerical simulation of temperature-, burial- and erosion history of the northern Rhenish massif and its Subvariscian foredeep. -

Terra Nostra 97(5): 74-76.


115       Lankreijer, A.C. & Littke, R. (1997):

Tectonic evolution of the Intra Sudetic Basin (SW Poland), implications from basin analysis and subsidence analysis. -

Terra Nostra 97(5): 107-108.


116       Littke, R., Lückge, A. & Welte, D.H. (1997):

Quantification of organic matter degradation by microbial sulphate reduction for Quaternary sediments from the northern Arabian Sea. -

Naturwissenschaften 84: 312-315.


117       Littke, R., Baker, D.R. & Rullkötter, J. (1997):

Deposition of petroleum source rocks. -

In: Welte, D.H., Horsfield, B. & Baker, D.R. (eds): Petroleum and Basin Evolution, 271-333, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.


118      Mann, U., Hantschel, Th., Krooss, B.M., Schaefer, R.G, Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R. & Sachsenhofer, R.F. (1997):

An integrated approach to petroleum migration. -

In: Welte, D.H., Horsfield, B. & Baker, D.R. (eds): Petroleum and Basin Evolution, 403-520, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.


119       Müller, R., Hertle, M., Littke, R. & Schäfer, A. (1997):

Initial results of modelling subsidence, thermal and structural evolution of the Permo-Carboniferous Saar-Nahe Basin (SNB), SW Germany. -

Terra Nostra 97(5): 108-109.


120       Neunzert, G.H., Gaupp, R. & Littke, R. (1997):

Absenkungs- und Temperaturgeschichte paläozoischer und mesozoischer Formationen im Nordwestdeutschen Becken: Stellungnahme zum Diskussionsbeitrag von W. JARITZ.-

Zeitschr. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 148(1): 157-162.


121    Petmecky, S., Meier, L. & Littke, R. (1997):

High thermal maturity in the Lower Saxony Basin: intrusion or inversion? -

Terra Nova 9: 180.


122    Radke, M., Horsfield, B., Littke, R. & Rullkötter, J. (1997):

Maturation effects and parameters. -

In: Welte, D.H., Horsfield, B. & Baker, D.R. (eds): Petroleum and Basin Evolution, 169-229, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.


123    Schulte, S., Rullkötter, J., Littke, R. & Lückge, A. (1997):

A 65,000 yr record of organic matter deposition and climatic variations in sediments from the oxygen-minimum zone of the Pakistan continental margin. -

Terra Nova 9: 268.


124    Yalcin, N.M., Littke, R. & Sachsenhofer, R.F. (1997):

Thermal history of sedimentary basins. -

In: Welte, D.H., Horsfield, B. & Baker, D.R. (eds): Petroleum and Basin Evolution, 71-167, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.





125    Cramer, B., Krooss, B.M. & Littke, R. (1998):

Modelling isotope fractionation during primary cracking of natural gas: a reaction kinetic approach. -

Chemical Geology 149: 235-250.


126    Hertle, M., Müller, R., Schäfer, A. & Littke, R. (1998):

Die thermische Entwicklung des permokarbonen Saar-Nahe-Beckens (SW-Deutschland) - Eine numerische Simulationsstudie. -

Erlanger Geol. Abh., Sonderband 2: 38.


127    Karg, H., Littke, R. & Büker, C. (1998):

 Temperaturgeschichte und Beckenentwicklung in den Variszischen Externzonen (Ruhrbecken und Rechtsrheinisches Schiefergebirge). -

 Beitragszusammenfassungen des 7. Kolloquiums im DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm OROGENE PROZESSE - ihre Quantifizierung und Simulation am Beispiel der Varisciden, 16.-17.04.1998, Gießen.

          Terra Nostra 98(2): 82-86.


128    Karg, H., Littke, R. & Büker, C. (1998):

Die kombinierte Anwendung numerischer Simulationsmodelle und Spaltspurenuntersuchungen zur Entschlüsselung der Temperatur-, Subsidenz- und Hebungsgeschichte von Sedimentbecken - Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem Ruhrkohlenbecken Westdeutschlands. -

DGMK-Tagungsbericht 9801: 203-213.


129    Krooss, B.M., Müller, B., Gerling, P. & Littke, R. (1998):

          Comparative Study of the Release of Molecular Nitrogen from Sedimentary Matter during Non-Isothermal Pyrolysis. -

American Chemical Society; Symposium Serie 707, Chapter 15: 254-276.


130    Littke, R. (1998):

Genese und Exploration fossiler Energieträger. -

Energieforschung 1998; Vorlesungsmanuskripte des 4. Ferienkurses "Energieforschung" vom 20. bis 26. September 1998 im Congrescentrum Rolduc/NL und Forschungszentrum Jülich; Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Energietechnik, Band 3: 21-32.


131    Littke, R., Lückge, A. & Wilkes, H. (1998):

Organic matter in Neogene sediments of the southern Canary Channel, Canary Islands (ODP Sites 955 and 956). -

In: Weaver, P.P.E., Schmincke, H.-U., Firth, J.V., and Duffield, W. (Eds): Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 157: 361-372; College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program).


132    Littke, R., Jendrzejewski, L., Lokay, P., Wang Shuangqing & Rullkötter, J. (1998):

Organic geochemistry and depositional history of Barremian - Aptian boundary interval in the Lower Saxony Basin, northern Germany. -

Cretaceous Research 19: 581-614.


133    Müller, R., Hertle, M., Littke, R. & Schäfer, A. (1998):

3D-Strukturmodellierung des Saar-Nahe Beckens mit Hilfe von Bohrungsdaten und reflexions-seismischen Profilen. -

          Erlanger Geol. Abh., Sonderband 2: 64.


134    Petmecky, S., Littke, R. & Meier, L. (1998):

High Thermal Maturity in the Lower Saxony Basin: Intrusion or Inversion? -

Terra Nova 9: 180.


135    Taylor, G.H., Teichmüller, M., Davis, A., Diessel, C.F.K., Littke, R., and Robert, P. (1998):

Organic Petrology. -

Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin-Stuttgart, 1998, 704 S., 349 Abb.


136    Thielemann, T. & Littke, R. (1998):

Exchange of methane between litho- and atmosphere: the coal bearing Ruhr basin, Germany.-

International Conference on coal-bed methane - technologies of recovery and utilisation. - Conference Proceedings, Central Mining Institute Katowice, Poland 1998: 41-57.





137      Cramer, B., Poelchau, H.S., Gerling, P., Lopatin, N.V. and Littke, R. (1999):

Methane released from groundwater: the source of natural gas accumulations in northern West Siberia.

Marine and Petroleum Geology 16: 225-244.


138    Friberg, L., Poelchau, H.S., Krooß, B. und Littke, R. (1999):

Numerische Simulation der Temperatur- und Absenkungsgeschichte an ausgewählten Bohrungen entlang des DEKORP-Profils 9601 in NE-Deutschland. -

Terra Nostra 99(3): 13-14.


139    Friberg, L., Poelchau, H.S., Krooß, B. & Littke, R. (1999):

2D-Modelling of Thermal History and Simulation of Gas Migration Along the NE German DEKORP Seismic Profile - Initial Results. -

Journal of Conference Abstracts, Straßburg March 1999, EUG 10, Vol. 4(1),

S. 304/305; ISSN 1362-0886.


140    Littke, R., Brumsack, H., Mutterlose, J. & Rullkötter, J. (1999):

          Geochemistry of Late Early Cretaceous Deposits in Northern Germany: Black Shale Formation, Cyclicity and Palaeoenvironment. -

          Journal of Conference Abstracts, Straßburg March 1999, EUG 10, Vol. 4(1), S. 224;

ISSN 1362-0886.


141    Littke, R. (1999):

Coal: vitrinite reflectance and maturity. - Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. - Edited by Clare P. Marshall and Rhodes W. Fairbridge. - Kluwer Academic Publishers, 768 pp., 1999 (ISBN: 0-412-75500-9).


142    Littke, R., Cramer, B., Gerling, P., Lopatin, N.V., Poelchau, H.S., Schaefer, R.G. and Welte, D.H. (1999):

Gas Generation and Accumulation in the West Siberian Basin. -

AAPG Bull. 83(10): 1642-1665.


143    Lückge, A., Ercegovac, M., Strauss, H. and Littke, R. (1999):

Early diagenetic alteration of organic matter by sulfate reduction in Quaternary sediments from the northeastern Arabian Sea. -

Marine Geology 158(1-4): 1-13.


144    Lutz, R., Gieren, B., Lückge, A., Wilkes, H. and Littke, R. (1999):

Geochemische und petrologische Zusammensetzung des organischen Materials in marinen Sedimenten vor Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170). –

Abstract Terra Nostra 99(4): 164-166; ISSN: 0946-8976.




145    Petmecky, S., Meier, L., Reiser, H. and Littke, R. (1999):

High thermal maturity in the Lower Saxony Basin: intrusion or deep burial?

Tectonophysics 304: 317-344.


146    Schaefer, R.G., Galushkin, Yu.I., Kolloff, A., and Littke, R. (1999):

          Reaction kinetics of gas generation in selected source rocks of the West Siberian Basin: Implications for the mass balance of early-thermogenic methane. -

Chemical Geology 156: 41-65.


147    Thielemann, Th. & Littke, R. (1999):

Gas Exchange Between Coal-Bearing Sedimentary Basins and the Atmosphere and Their Isotopic Signal: The Ruhr Basin and the Lower Rhine Basin, Germany. -

Journal of Conference Abstracts, Straßburg March 1999, EUG 10, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, S. 512; ISSN 1362-0886.


148    Zhou, Yongsheng & Littke, R. (1999):

Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Maturation, Oil Generation and Migration in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China. -

Marine and Petroleum Geology 16(8): 771-792.





149      Hedges, J.I., Eglinton, G., Hatcher, P.G., Kirchman, D.L., Arnosti, C., Derenne, S., Evershed, R.P., Kögel-Knabner, I., de Leeuw, J.W., Littke, R., Michaelis, W. and Rullkötter, J. (2000):

The Molecularly-Uncharacterized Component (MUC) of nonliving organic matter in natural environments. -

Organic Geochemistry 31: 945-958.


150    Hertle, M. & Littke, R. (2000):

Coalification pattern and thermal modelling of the Permo-Carboniferous Saar Basin (SW-Germany). -

International Journal of Coal Geology 42: 273-296.


151    Littke, R., Büker, C., Hertle, M., Karg, H., Stroetmann-Heinen, V. & Oncken, O. (2000):

Heat flow evolution, subsidence, and erosion in the Rhenohercynian orogenic wedge of central Europe.

Geological Society, Special Publication 179: 231-255.


152    Lutz, R., Gieren, B., Lückge, A., Wilkes, H. & Littke, R. (2000):

Composition of organic matter in subducted and unsubducted sediments off the Nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170, Sites 1039 and 1040).-

Proceedings-Band of the 19th International Meeting on Organic Geochemicstry, Istanbul 1999.

Organic Geochemistry 31: 1597-1610.


153    Schaefer, R.G., Cramer, B., Koppmann, R., Littke, R., Lopatin, N.V., Poelchau, H.S. und Welte, D.H. (2000):

Erdgas in Westsibirien - Ergebnisse transdisziplinärer Forschung in deutsch-russischer Kooperation. -

Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle 116(4): 176-185.


154    Schwarzbauer, J., Brinker, S., Ullrich, N., Littke, R. und Langguth, H.R. (2000):

Organische Signatur von Grundwässern im Umfeld des Braunkohlen-Tagebaus Hambach. -

Mitt. Ing.- und Hydrogeologie, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 76: 51-72, 6 Abb., 5 Tab., RWTH Aachen.


155    Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R. & Weigelt, V. (2000):

Identification of specific organic contaminants for estimating the contribution of the Elbe river to the pollution of the German Bight. -

Organic Geochemistry 31: 1713-1731.


156    Thielemann, Th., Lücke, A., Schleser, G.H. & Littke, R. (2000):

Methane exchange between coal-bearing basins and the atmosphere: The Ruhr Basin and the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany. -

Organic Geochemistry 31: 1387-1408.


157    Yalcin, N.M., Inan, S., Derenne, S., Farrimond, P., Freeman, K., Littke, R., Maxwell, J.R., Requejo, A.G. & Wilhelms, A. (Eds.) (2000):

          Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1999. Proceedings of the 19th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-10 September 1999.-

          Organic Geochemistry 31 (2000), 1803 p., Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.



158    Gaschnitz, R., Krooss, B.M., Gerling, P., Faber, E. & Littke, R. (2001):

On-line pyrolysis-GC-IRMS: isotope fractionation of thermally generated gases from

Fuel 80(15): 2139-2153.


159      Heim, S., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2001):

Organische Substanzen als Tracer zur Überwachung deponiebürtiger Emissionen. –

Tagungsband der Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Bad Wildungen, 419-422. (ISBN-Nr. 3-924763-91-7).


160    Jendrzejewski, L., Littke, R. & Rullkötter, J. (2001):

Organic geochemistry and depositional history of Upper Albian sediments from the Kirchrode I borehole, northern Germany. -

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 174: 107-120.


161    Joachimski, M.M., Ostertag-Henning, Ch., Pancost, R.D., Strauss, H., Freeman, K.H., Littke, R., Sinninghe Damste, J.S. & Racki, G. (2001):

Water column anoxia, enhanced productivity and concomitant changes in d13C and d34S across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (Kowala – Holy Cross Mountains/Poland). –

Chemical Geology 175: 109-131.


162    Littke, R. (2001):

          Marlies Teichmüller (1914-2000). -

a)       Organic Geochemistry 32(1): 1-2 und

b)       International Journal of Coal Geology 46: 3-4.


163    Littke, R., Cramer, B., Gerling, P., Lopatin, N.V., Poelchau, H.S., Schaefer, R.G. and Welte, D.H. (2001):

          Gas generation and accumulation in the West Siberian basin: Reply.

          Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol. (AAPG) Bulletin 85(10): 1893-1895.


164    Nöth, Sh., Karg, H. & Littke, R. (2001):

Reconstruction of Late Palaeozoic heat flows and burial histories at the Rhenohercynian-Subvariscan boundary, Germany. -

Int. J. Earth Sciences, 90: 234-256.


165    Prinz, D., Pyckhout-Hintzen, W., Krooss, B. & Littke, R. (2001):

Investigations on the Micro- and Mesoporous Structure of Coals of Varying Rank: A Combined Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and Gas Adsorption Experiments Study. -

Proceedings of the Tuscaloosa/Alabama 2001, S. 419-431. - International Coalbed Methane Symposium, Alabama, 14.-18. Mai 2001.


166    Rodriguez, J. & Littke, R. (2001):

Petroleum generation and accumulation the Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina: A basin modelling study.

Marine and Petroleum Geology 18(9): 995-1028.


167    Schmitz, G., Gieren, B. & Littke, R. (2001):

Vorläufige Ergebnisse geochemischer und petrographischer Untersuchungen an Braunkohlen aus dem Geiseltal (Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutschland). -

Hallesches Jahrbuch Geowissenschaften, Reihe B, Beiheft 13: 49-56.





168    Schümann, T., Ellouz, N., Littke, R., Hinz, K., Gerling, P. & Meyer, H. (2001):

Der passive Kontinentalrand Argentiniens - Sequenzstratigraphische Analyse und Modellierung des Kohlenwasserstoffpotentials. -

DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2001-2: 93-103 (DGMK-Frühjahrstagung des Fachbereichs Aufsuchung und Gewinnung am 26. und 27. April 2001 in Celle; ISBN 3-931850-77-3).


169    Thielemann, Th., Krooss, B.M. & Littke, R. (2001):

Induziert der Steinkohlenbergbau im Ruhrbecken Methanemissionen?

Z. dt. geol. Ges. Stuttgart, 152(1): 61-76.


170    Thielemann, Th., Krooss, B.M., Littke, R. & Welte, D.H. (2001):

Does coal mining induce methane emissions through the lithosphere/atmosphere boundary in the Ruhr Basin, Germany?"

Journal of Geochemical Exploration 74: 219-231.


171    Yahi, N., Schaefer, R.G. and Littke, R. (2001):

Petroleum generation and accumulation in the Berkine basin, eastern Algeria. -

Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull. 85: 1439-1467.





172     Dsikowitzky, L., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2002):

Distribution of polycyclic musks in water and particulate matter of the Lippe River (Germany). –

Organic Geochemistry 33(12): 1747-1758.


173    Gaupp, R., Solms, M., Littke, R., Schwarzer, D., Schubarth-Engelschall, J., Trappe, H., Krawczyk, C., Tanner, D. & Oncken, O. (2002):

Paläo-Öl- und Gasfelder im Rotliegenden des Norddeutschen Beckens. –

DGMK-Frühjahrstagung des Fachbereichs Aufsuchung und Gewinnung am 22. und 23. April 2002 in Celle. –

DGMK Tagungsbericht 2002-1, 7-13. (ISBN: 3-931850-90-0)


174    Lückge, A., Kastner, M., Littke, R. & Cramer, B. (2002):

Hydrocarbon gas in the Costa Rica subduction zone: primary composition and post-genetic alteration. -

Organic Geochemistry, 33(8): 933-943.


175    Lückge, A., Horsfield, B., Littke, R. and Scheeder, G. (2002):

Organic matter preservation and sulfur uptake in sediments from the continental margins off Pakistan. -

Organic Geochemistry 33(4): 477-488.


176    Noeth, S., Thomsen, R.O. & Littke, R. (2002):

A method for assessing statistical significance and uncertainties for calibration of 1D-thermal basin maturation models.

Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol. (AAPG) Bulletin 86(3): 417-431.


177      Schmidt, S., Cramer, B., Gerling, P. & Littke, R. (2002):

Erdgasbildung und Migration im Bereich des Erdgasfeldes Kudu, Namibia. –

DGMK-Frühjahrstagung des Fachbereichs Aufsuchung und Gewinnung am 22. und 23. April 2002 in Celle. –

DGMK Tagungsbericht 2002-1, 171-176. (ISBN: 3-931850-90-0)


178    Schubarth-Engelschall, J., Tanner, D., Trappe, H., Krawczyk, C., Oncken, O., Gaupp, R., Solms, M., Littke, R. & Schwarzer, D. (2002):

Störungsinterpretation auf Basis 3D seismischen Spezialprocessings und 3D-Modellierung von Störungen. –

DGMK-Frühjahrstagung des Fachbereichs Aufsuchung und Gewinnung am 22. und 23. April 2002 in Celle. –

DGMK Tagungsbericht 2002-1, 23-30. (ISBN: 3-931850-90-0)





179    Schwarzbauer, J., Dsikowitzky, L., Freeman, K. & Littke, R. (2002):

d13C/d12C-ratios of individual low molecular weight organic compounds in river water. Abstracts of the 2nd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Dijon, 59.

(ISBN: 2-9517710-0-2)


180       Schwarzbauer, J., Gieren, B., Ricking, M. & Littke, R. (2002):

          Occurrence and fate of organic pollutants incorporated into macromolecular organic matter of riverine sediments. –

          Abstracts of the 2nd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Dijon, 178. (ISBN: 2-9517710-0-2)


181    Schwarzbauer, J., Heim, S., Brinker, S. & Littke, R. (2002):

          Occurrence and alteration of organic contaminants in seepage and leakage water from a waste deposit landfill. -

          Water Research 36: 2275-2287.


182       Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M., Gieren, B. & Littke, R. (2002):

          DDT-Metabolite im nichtextrahierbaren organischen Material von belasteten Sedimenten des Teltowkanals. -

            Tagungsband der Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft,Eichstätt, 195-197.

(ISBN-Nr. 3-936028-05-2)


183    Solms, M., Gaupp, R., Littke, R., Schwarzer, D., Schubarth-Engelschall, J., Trappe, H., Krawczyk, C., Tanner, D. & Oncken, O. (2002):

Einfluß von Fazies und Diagenese auf die Speicher-Qualitäts-Entwicklung von Rotliegendsandsteinen NW Deutschlands. –

DGMK-Frühjahrstagung des Fachbereichs Aufsuchung und Gewinnung am 22. und 23. April 2002 in Celle. –

DGMK Tagungsbericht 2002-1, 15-21. (ISBN: 3-931850-90-0)





184       Ercegovac, M., Kostic, A., Karg, H., Welte, D.H. & Littke, R. (2003):

Temperature and burial history modelling of the Drmno and Markovac Depressions, SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia.

Journal of Petroleum Geology 26(1): 5-27.


185    Fischer, M., Botz, R., Schmidt, M., Rockenbauch, K. & Littke, R. (2003):

          Authigenic mineralisations in Permian carbonate rocks (Ca2) – aguide to CO2 sources in reservoir rocks of the CO2 province, Lower Saxony Basin. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/07, S. 9-12. – DFG-SPP 1135 Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems under varying Stress Conditions by Example of the Central European Basin System; ISSN: 0946-8978.


186    Heim, S., Schwarzbauer, J., Kronimus, A., Littke, R. & Hembrock-Heger, A. (2003):

          Organic pollutants in riparian wetlands of the Lippe river (Germany). –

          Environ. Chem. Lett. 1: 169-173.


187    Krooss, B.M., Hollenstein, J., Littke, R., Cramer, B. & Gerling, P. (2003):

          Geochemical, isotope geochemical and mineralogical investigations on type, origin and transformation or nitrogen in Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/07, S. 33-36. – DFG-SPP 1135 Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems under varying Stress Conditions by Example of the Central European Basin System; ISSN: 0946-8978.


188    Littke, R., Pagnier, H.J.M. & Narkiewicz, M. (2003):

          Subsidence, mass and heat transfer in the Central European Basin system: A regional 2D basin modelling study. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/07, S. 125-129. – DFG-SPP 1135 Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems under varying Stress Conditions by Example of the Central European Basin System; ISSN: 0946-8978.



189       Littke, R., Schwarzer, D., Rodon, S., Senglaub, Y. & Brix, M.R. (2003):

            Deep burial versus magmatic intrusion – re-modelling the North German Basin. –

          Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy Vol. 15, Nr. 1: 120. Referate der Vorträge und Poster der 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft vom 22. bis 25. September 2003 in Bochum. ISSN: 0935-123X.


190    Rodon, S. & Littke, R. (2003):

          Thermal history of deeply buried sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of salt diapers (Schleswig-Holstein area). –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/07, S. 68-72. – DFG-SPP 1135 Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems under varying Stress Conditions by Example of the Central European Basin System; ISSN: 0946-8978.


191    Schubarth-Engelschall, J., Trappe, H., Krawczyk, C., Tanner, D., Oncken, O., Gaupp, R., Solms, M., Littke, R. & Schwarzer, D. (2003):

          Paläo-Öl- und –Gasfelder im Rotliegenden des Norddeutschen Beckens: Wirkung der KW-Migration auf die Speicherqualitäts-Entwicklung. – 3D seismische Auswertung -Faziesklassifizierung im Rotliegenden.

          DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2003-1, 7-15. ISBN 3-936418-03-9.


192    Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M. & Littke, R. (2003):

          DDT-related compounds bound to the nonextractable particulate matter in sediments of the Teltow Canal, Germany. –

          Environ. Sci. technol. 37: 488-495.


193    Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M. & Littke, R. (2003):

          Quantitation of Nonextractable Anthropogenic Contaminants Released from Teltow Canal Sediments after Chemical Degradation. –

          Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 31(6):  469-481.


194    Schwarzer, D., Tanner, D., Littke, R., Krawczyk, C., Oncken, O., Solms, M., Gaupp, R., Schubarth-Engelschall, J. & Trappe, H. (2003):

          Paläo-Öl- und –Gasfelder im Rotliegenden des Norddeutschen Beckens: Wirkung der KW-Migration auf die Speicherqualitäts-Entwicklung. – Strukturelle Analyse (3D) und Beckenmodellierung (2D) im Bereich von Tight Gas Arealen am Südrand des Rotliegend Gas Plays. –

          DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2003-1, 17-30. ISBN 3-936418-03-9.


195    Senglaub, Y., Brix, M.R. & Littke, R. (2003):

          Thermal evolution of the southwestern Lower Saxony Basin. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/07, S. 85-89. – DFG-SPP 1135 Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems under varying Stress Conditions by Example of the Central European Basin System; ISSN: 0946-8978.


196    Solms, M., Gaupp, R., Littke, R., Schwarzer, D., Schubarth-Engelschall, J., Trappe, H., Krawczyk, Ch., Tanner, D. & Oncken, O. (2003):

          Paläo-Öl- und –Gasfelder im Rotliegenden des Norddeutschen Beckens: Wirkung der KW-Migration auf die Speicherqualitäts-Entwicklung. – Fluidfluss, Diagenese und Speicherqualität im Rotliegend Nordwestdeutschlands. –

          DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2003-1, 31-39. ISBN 3-936418-03-9.





197    Busch, A., Gensterblum, Y, Krooss, B.M. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Methane and carbon dioxide adsorption – diffusion experiments on coal: upscaling and modeling.

          Coal Geology 60: 151-168.


198    Dsikowitzky, L., Schwarzbauer, J., Kronimus, A. & Littke, R. (2004):

          The anthropogenic contribution to the organic load of the Lippe River (Germany). Part I: Qualitative characterisation of low-molecular weight organic compounds. –

          Chemosphere 57: 1275-1288.




199    Dsikowitzky, L., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2004):

          The anthropogenic contribution to the organic load of the Lippe River (Germany). Part II: Quantification of specific organic contaminants. -

          Chemosphere 57: 1289-1300.


200    Heim, S., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Monitoring of waste deposit derived groundwater contamination with organic tracers. -

            Environ. Chem. Lett. 2: 21-25.


201    Heim, S., Schwarzbauer, J., Kronimus, A., Littke, R., Woda, C. & Mangini, A. (2004):

          Geochronology of anthropogenic pollutants in riparian wetland sediments of the Lippe River (Germany). 

          Organic Geochemistry 35: 1409-1425.


202       Hildenbrand, A., Krooss, B.M., Schlömer, S. & Littke, R. (2004):

            Dynamic gas leakage through fine-grained seal lithologies. –

          EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) conference proceedings, 08.-11.09.2003 Montpellier; 1-10 (ISBN: 90-73781-32-9.


203       Hildenbrand, A., Schlömer, S., Krooss. B.M. & Littke. R. (2004):

          Gas breakthrough experiments on pelitic rocks: comparative study with N2, CO2 and CH4.–

          Geofluids 4: 61-80.


204       Kronimus, A., Schwarzbauer, J., Dsikowitzky, L., Heim, S. & Littke, R. (2004):

            Anthropogenic organic contaminants in sediments of the Lippe river, Germany. –

            Water Research 38: 3473-3484.


205    Krooss, B.M., Friberg, L., Gensterblum, Y., Hollenstein, J., Prinz, D. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Investigation of the pyrolytic liberation of molecular nitrogen from Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2004/05: 29-31 (DFG-SPP 1135 „Dynamics of the Central European Basin System“, 3. Rundgespräch, 01.-03.12.2004, Eringerfeld).


206    Krooss, B.M., Friberg, L., Hollenstein, J., Gensterblum, Y., Prinz, D. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Gas Generation potential and nitrogen geochemistry of Palaeozoic rocks: a pyrolytic study.–

          Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34: 257 (GeoLeipzig Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, 29.09.-bis 01.10.2004).


207       Krooss, B., Hildenbrand, A., Alles, S., Littke, R. & Pearce, J. (2004):

          Assessment of the CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Pelitic Rocks: Two-Phase Flow and Diffusive Transport. –

          Greenhouse Gas Technologies Conference Vancouver, Kanada, September 2004. – Veröffentlichter Abstract.


208    Kukla, P., Urai, J.L. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Erhöhte Porendrücke – Bedeutung für Bohrlochplanung, Kohlenwasserstoff-Exploration und Feldesentwicklung. –

          Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 120(5): 193-197.


209    Littke, R., Nelskamp, S., David, P., Schwarzer, D. & Pagnier, H. (2004):

          2D modelling of subsidence and maturation in the CEBS – first results from the Netherlands part of the Lower Saxony Basin and the Friesland Platform. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2004/05: 45-48 (DFG-SPP 1135 „Dynamics of the Central European Basin System“, 3. Rundgespräch, 01.-03.12.2004, Eringerfeld).


210       Lutz, R., Littke, R., Gerling, P. & Bönnemann, C. (2004):

          2D numerical modelling of hydrocarbon generation in subducted sediments at the active continental margin of Costa Rica. –

          Marine and Petroleum Geology 21(6): 753-766.


211    Naeth, J., Asmus, S.C. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Petrographic and geophysical assessment of coal quality as related to briquetting: the Miocene lignite of the Lower Rhine Basin, Germany. –

          International Journal of Coal Geology 60(1): 17-41.



212    Prinz, D., Pyckhout-Hintzen, W. & Littke, R. (2004):

Development of the meso- and macroporous structure of coals with rank as analysed with small angle neutron scattering and adsorption experiments. –

Fuel 83(4-5): 547-556.


213    Rodon, S. & Littke, R. (2004):

          Versenkungs-, Temperatur- und Reifegeschichte paläozoischer und mesozoischer Sedimentgesteine in Schleswig-Holstein. –

          Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34: 265 (GeoLeipzig Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, 29.09. bis 01.10.2004).


214    Rodon, S. & Littke, R. 2004):

          Thermal modelling and coalification pattern of the Schleswig-Holstein area, North German Basin. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2004/05: 82-85 (DFG-SPP 1135 „Dynamics of the Central European Basin System“, 3. Rundgespräch, 01.-03.12.2004, Eringerfeld).


215       Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2004):

Quantitative evaluation of Elbe river-derived organic marker compounds in sediment samples of the German Bight. –

J. Soils. Sediments 4: 177-183.


216    Schwarzer, D., Littke, R., Tanner, D., Krawczyk, C., Oncken, O., Schubarth-Engelschall, J., Trappe, H., Solms, M., Pudlo, D. & Gaupp, R. (2004):

          Numerical modelling along a 2D section in the German Rotliegend Gas Play – subsidence, temperature evolution, and gasmigration. –

          Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34: 266-267 (GeoLeipzig Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, 29.09.-bis 01.10.2004).


217    Senglaub, Y., Littke, R. & Brix, R. (2004):

          Burial and temperature history in the area of the Bramsche anomaly, Lower Saxony Basin.–

          Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34: 62 (GeoLeipzig Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, 29.09.-bis 01.10.2004).


218    Senglaub, Y., Brix, M.R. & Littke, R. (2004):

          New aspects about the thermal history of the southwestern Lower Saxony Basin based on fission track analysis. –

          Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2004/05: 92-96 (DFG-SPP 1135 „Dynamics of the Central European Basin System“, 3. Rundgespräch, 01.-03.12.2004, Eringerfeld).





219    Abu-Ali, M. & Littke, R. (2005):

Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of Saudi Arabia – A Basin Modeling Approach. –

Geo Arabia 10(3): 131-168.


220       Adriasola Muñoz, Y., Littke, R. & Brix, M.R. (2005):

            Evolution of the Lower Saxony Basin and the Bramsche Massif. –

          DFG-SPP 1135 “Dynamics of the Central European Basin System”, 4th Rundgespräch Eringerfeld, Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2005/05: 1-4.


221       Amijaya, H. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Microfacies and depositional environment of Tertiary Tanjung Enim low rank coal, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia.

          Intern. Journal of Coal Geology 61: 197-221.


222       Broichhausen, H., Littke, R. & Hantschel, T. (2005):

          Mudstone compaction and its influence on overpressure generation, elucidated by a 3D case study in the North Sea. –

          Int. Journal of Earth Sciences 94(5-6): 956-978.




223    di Primio, R., Horsfield, B. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Controls on Petroleum Composition in High Temperature Reservoirs. –

          DFG-SPP 1135 “Dynamics of the Central European Basin System”, 4th Rundgespräch Eringerfeld, Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2005/05: 92-95.


224    Heim, S., Ricking, M., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Halogenated compounds in a dated sediment core of the Teltow canal, Berlin: Time related sediment contamination. –

          Chemosphere 61: 1427-1438.


225       Karg, H., Carter, A., Brix, M. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Late- and post-Variscan cooling and exhumation history of the northern Rhenish massif and the southern Ruhr Basin: new constraints from fission track analysis. -

          Int. Journal of Earth Sciences 94(2): 180-192.


226    Krooss, B.M., Friberg, L., Gensterblum, Y., Hollenstein, J., Prinz, D. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Investigation of the pyrolytic liberation of molecular nitrogen from Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. –

          Int. Journal of Earth Sciences 94(5-6): 1023-1038.



227    Krooss, B.M., Jurisch, A., Gensterblum, Y. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Geochemistry of nitrogen in Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks: New evidence from open-system pyrolysis combined with stable isotope analysis. –

          DFG-SPP 1135 “Dynamics of the Central European Basin System”, 4th Rundgespräch Eringerfeld, Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2005/05: 61-64.


228    Littke, R., Bayer, U. & Gajewski, D. (2005):

          Dynamics of sedimentary basins: the example of the Central European Basin system. –

          Int. Journal of Earth Sciences  94(5-6): 779-781.


229    Littke, R., Bayer, U. & Gajewski, D. (2005):

          Dynamics of sedimentary basins: the example of the Central European Basin system. Special Volume of the Int. Journal of Earth Sciences  94(5-6): 779-1116


230       Prinz, D. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Development of the micro- and ultramicroporous structure of coals with rank as deduced from the accessibility to water. –

          Fuel 84: 1645-1652.


231    Rodon, S. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Thermal maturity in the Central European Basin system (Schleswig-Holstein area): results of 1D basin modelling and new maturity maps. –

          Int. Journal of Earth Sciences 94(5-6): 815-833.


232    Rodon, S. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Thermal and maturity history of sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of salt structures – a numerical modelling study in the North German Basin. –

          DFG-SPP 1135 “Dynamics of the Central European Basin System”, 4th Rundgespräch Eringerfeld, Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2005/05: 110-112.


233    Schwarzbauer, J., Dsikowitzky, L., Heim, S. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Determination of 13C/12C-ratios of anthropogenic organic contaminants in river water samples by GC-irmMS. –

          Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 85(6): 349-364.


234    Schwarzbauer, J., Ricking, M., Gieren, B., Keller, R. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Anthropogenic organic contaminants incorporated into the non extractable particulate matter of riverine sediments from the Teltow Canal (Berlin). – In: Environmental Chemistry, Lichtfouse, Schwarzbauer, Didier (eds.), Springer Verlag, Weinheim, 329-352.


235       Senglaub, Y., Brix, M.R., Adriasola, A.C. & Littke, R. (2005):

          New information on the thermal history of the southwestern Lower Saxony Basin, northern Germany, based on fission track analysis.

          Int. Journal of Earth Sciences  94(5-6): 876-896.


236       Senglaub, Y., Brix, M.R., Adriasola, A. & Littke, R. (2005):

Neue Einblicke in die thermische Geschichte des südwestlichen Niedersächsischen Beckens.-

          Erdöl Erdgas Kohle 121(7/8): 296-299.


237    Vinzelberg, G., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2005):

          Groundwater contamination by chlorinated naphthalenes and related substances caused by activities of a former military base. –

          Chemosphere 61: 770-782.





238       Amijaya, H. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Properties of thermally metamorphosed coal from Tanjung Enim Area, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia with special reference to the coalification path of macerals. –

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 66(4): 271-295.


239       Amijaya, H., Schwarzbauer, J. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Organic geochemistry of the Lower Suban coal seam, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia: Palaeoecological and thermal metamorphism implications. –

            Organic Geochemistry 37(3): 261-279.


240    Armstroff, A., Wilkes, H., Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R. & Horsfield, B. (2006):

          Aromatic hydrocarbon biomarkers in terrestrial organic matter of Devonian to Permian age.-

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 240: 253-274.


241       Beha, A., Thomsen, R.O. & Littke, R. (2006):

Thermische Geschichte und Kohlenwasserstoffpotential des Horngrabens in der dänischen Nordsee – eine 2D Modellierungsstudie. -

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 45.


242       Brandes, C., Astorga, A., Littke, R. & Winsemann, J. (2006):

Burial history and temperature evolution of the Limón Back-arc Basin, Costa Rica. –

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 54.


243    Eseme, E., Littke, R. & Krooss, B.M. (2006):

          Factors controlling the thermo-mechanical deformation of oil shales: Implications for compaction of mudstones and exploitation. –

          Marine and Petroleum Geology 23: 715-734.


244       Eseme, E., Littke, R., Krooss, B.M. & Schwarzbauer, J. (2006):

Experimental investigation of the compositional variation of acyclic paraffins during expulsion from source rocks. –

Journal of Geochemical Exploration 89: 100-103.


245    Eseme, E., Littke, R. & Agyingi, C.M. (2006):

Geochemical characterization of a Cretaceous black shale from the Mamfe Basin, Cameroon. –

Petroleum Geoscience 12(1): 69-74.


246    Fischer, M., Botz, R., Schmidt, M., Rockenbauch, K., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Glodny, J., Gerling, P. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Origins of CO2 in permian carbonate reservoir rocks (Zechstein, Ca2) of the NW-German Basin (Lower Saxony). –

          Chemical Geology 227(3-4): 184-213.





247    Heim, S., Hucke, A., Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R. & Mangini, A. (2006):

          Geochronology of anthropogenic contaminants in a dated sediment core of the Rhine River (Germany): emission sources and risk Assessment. –

          Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 34: 34-52.


248       Köster, J., Littke, R., Machel, H.G. & Krooß, B. (2006):

Petroleum Geochemistry and Paleo-Fluid Flow in Devonian Carbonates of the Nigel Peak Area in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, SW Alberta. -

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 105.


249    Kronimus, A., Schwarzbauer, J., Dsikowitzky, L. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Compound-specific stable carbon isotope analyses of riverine water organic contaminants. –

          Environ. Chem. Lett. 4: 23-28.


250       Littke, R. (2006):

Numerical Basin Modeling: Opportunities and Risks. –

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 22.


251    Müller, A.B., Strauss, H., Hartkopf-Fröder, Ch. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Reconstructing the evolution of the latest Pennsylvanian – earliest Permian Lake Odernheim based on stable isotope geochemistry and palynofacies: A case study from the Saar-Nahe Basin, Germany. -

          Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 240: 204-224.


252       Nelskamp, S., David, P. & Littke, R. (2006):

The structural evolution of the Netherlands onshore – a 2D analysis. –

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 122.


253       Resak, M., Narkiewicz, M. & Littke, R. (2006):

Regional basin modelling in the Polish part of the Central European Basin System – general overview of the project and preliminary results. –

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 140.


254       Rodon, S. & Littke, R. (2006):

Der Einfluss von Salzstrukturen auf die Temperatur- und Reifegeschichte von Sedimentgesteinen im Norddeutschen Becken. –

Sediment 2006: 21th Meeting of Sedimentologists / 4th Meeting of SEPM Central European Section, 06.-11. Juni 2006, Göttingen. -

SDGG – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Heft 45: 144.


255       Schmidt, S., Thielemann, T. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Die Kohleindustrie Russlands im Jahr 2005 – ein Überblick. –

          Glückauf 142(1/2): 49-55.


256    Schmidt, S., Gerling, P., Thielemann, T. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Comparability of Hard Coal Reserves and Resources in Europe. –

          6th European Coal Conference Belgrade 2005, Proceedings, S. 23-33


257    Schwarzbauer, J., Heim, S., Krooss, B. & Littke, R. (2006):

          Analysis of undisturbed layers of a waste deposit landfill – Insights into the transformation and transport of organic contaminants.

          Organic Geochemistry, 37, 2026-2045.





258       Senglaub, Y., Littke, R. & Brix, M.R. (2006):

          Numerical modelling of burial and temperature history as an approach for an alternative interpretation of the Bramsche anomaly, Lower Saxony Basin. –

          Int. Journ. of Earth Sciences 95: 204-224


259    Shaaban, F., Lutz, R., Littke, R., Bueker, C. & Odisho, K. (2006):

          Source-rock Evaluation and basin modelling in NE Egypt (NE Nile Delta and Northern Sinai). –

          Journal of Petroleum Geology 29(2): 103-124.


260    Wollenweber, J., Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R., Wilkes, H., Armstroff, A. & Horsfield, B. (2006):

          Characterisation of non-extractable macromolecular organic matter in Palaeozoic coals. –

          Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 240: 275-304.





261    Adriasola Munoz, Y., Littke, R. & Brix, M.R. (2007):

          Fluid systems and basin evolution of the western Lower Saxony Basin, Germany. –

          Geofluids (2007), 7, 335-355.


262    Armstroff, A., Wilkes, H., Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R., Horsfield, B. (2007):

 The potential role of redox reactions for the distribution of alkylnaphthalenes and their oxygenated analogues in terrestrial organic matter of Late Palaeozoic age.

Organic Geochemistry, 38, 1692-1715.


263    Beha, A., Thomsen, R.O. & Littke, R. (2007):

          Thermal history, hydrocarbon generation and migration in the Horn Graben in the Danish North Sea: a 2D basin modelling study.–

          Internat. Journal Earth Sciences, 97-5, 1087-1100.


264    Blumenstein, I.O., Krooss, B.M:, di Primio, R., Rottke, W., Müller, E., Westerlage, C. & Littke, R. (2007):

          Biodegradation in numerical basin modelling: a case study from the Gifhorn Trough, N-Germany.–

          Internat. Journal Earth Sciences, 97-5, 1115-1130.


265    Brandes, C., Astorga, A., Back, S., Littke, R. & Winsemann, J. (2007):

          Fault controls on sediment distribution patterns, Limón Basin, Costa Rica. –

          Journal of Petroleum Geology 30(1): 25-40.


266    Brandes, C., Astorga, A., Back, S., Littke, R. & Winsemann, J. (2007):

          Deformation style and basin-fill architecture of the offshore Limon back-arc basin (Costa Rica). –

          Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24, 277-288.


267    Brandes, C., Astorga, A., Blisniuk, P., Littke, R. & Winsemann, J. (2007):

          Anatomy of anticlines, piggy-back basins and growth strata: a case study from the Limón fold-and-thrust belt, Costa Rica. –

          IAS Special Publication, 38, 91-110.


268    Brandes, C., Astorga, A., Littke, R. & Winsemann, J. (2007):

Basin modelling of the Limón Back-arc Basin (Costa Rica): burial history and temperature evolution of an island arc-related basin-system.

Basin Research, 20, 119-142.


269    Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Littke, R., Wilkes, H. & Mann, U. (2007):

          Highly aromatic character of biogeomacromolecules in Chitinozoa: a spectroscopic and pyrolytic study.

          Organic Geochemistry, 38, 1625-1642.


270       Eseme, E., Littke, R., Krooss, B.M. & Schwarzbauer, J. (2007):

          Experimental investigation of the compositional variation of petroleum during primary migration.

Organic Geochemistry, 38, 1373-1397.




271    Eseme, E., Urai, J.L., Krooss, B.M. & Littke, R. (2007):

          Review of the mechanical properties of oil shales: implications for exploitation and basin modelling. –

          Oil Shale, 24, 159-174.


272    Green, A.G., Maurer, H., Slob, E., Wapenaar, K., Clauser, C. & Littke, R. (2007):

          Joint MSc Programme in Applied Geophysics: A New Concept in Geophysics Education.

          First Break, 25, 81-84.


273       Schoenherr, J., Littke, R., Urai, J.L., Kukla, P.A. & Rawahi, Z. (2007):

          Polyphase thermal evolution in the Infra-Cambrian Ara Group (South Oman Salt Basin) as deduced by maturity of solid bitumen. –

            Organic Geochemistry, 38, 1293-1318.


274    Schoenherr, J., Urai, J.L., Kukla, P.A. Littke, R., Schléder, Z., Larroque, J.M., Newall, M.J., Al-Abry, N., Al-Siyabi, H.A., & Rawahi, Z. (2007):

          Limits of the sealing capacity of rock salt: A case study of the infra-Cambrian Ara Salt from the South Oman salt basin. –

            Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., 91, 1541-1558.


275    Schwarzer, D. & Littke, R. (2007):

          Petroleum generation and migration in the “Tight Gas” area of the German Rotliegend natural gas play: a basin modelling study. –

          Petroleum Geoscience 13-1: 37-62.





276       Bachmann, G.H., Voigt, T., Bayer, U., von Eynatten, H., Legler, B., Littke, R. (2008):

Depositional history and sedimentary cycles in the Central European Basin System. In: Littke,R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 157-172, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


277    Bayer, U., Gajewski, D. & Littke, R. (eds.) (2008):          

Sedimentary Basin Evolution: Subsidence, Salt Dynamics, Fluid Flow and Deformation.

Int. Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 883-1142.


278       Bayer, U., Brink, H.-J., Gajewski, D., Littke, R. (2008):

Characteristics of complex intracontinental sedimentary basins. In: Littke,R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 1-12, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


279    Bayer, U., Gajewski, D. & Littke, R. (2008):

          Sedimentary basin evolution: subsidence, salt dynamics, fluid flow and deformation.–

          Internat. Journal Earth Sciences,  97, 883-886.


280    Beha, A., Thomsen, R.O. & Littke, R. (2008):

          A rapid method of quantifying the resolution limits of heat-flow estimates in basin models–

          Journal of Petroleum Geology, 31, 167-178.


281    Beha, A., Thomsen, R.O., Littke, R. (2008):

          Thermal history, hydrocarbon generation and migration in the Horn Graben in the Danish North Sea: a 2D basin modelling study. ­

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 1087-1100.


282       Blumenstein, I. O., Krooss, B. M., di Primio, R.,

Rottke, W., Müller, E., Westerlage, C., Littke, R. (2008):

            Biodegradation in numerical basin modelling: a case study from the Gifhorn Trough, N-Germany.

            -International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 1115-1129.





283       Brandes, C., Astorga, A., Littke, R., Winsemann, J. (2008):

Basin modelling of the Limón Back-arc Basin (Costa Rica): burial history and temperature evolution of an island arc-related basin-system.

Basin Research,  20, 119-142.


284       di Primio, R., Cramer, B., Zwach, C., Krooss, B.M., Littke, R. (2008):

Petroleum systems. In: Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 411-432, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


285    Emmerich, A., Tscherny, R., Bechstädt, T., Büker, C., Glasmacher, U., Littke, R. & Zühlke, R. (2008):

          Numerical simulation of the syn- to post-depositional history of a prograding carbonate platform: the Rosengarten, Middle Triassic, Dolomites, Italy. –

Spec. Publ. Int. Assoc. Sedimentology (2008) 40, 1-36

ISBN: 978-1-4051-8930-9.


286       Gaupp, R., Möller, P., Lüders, V., di Primio, R., Littke, R. (2008):

Fluids in sedimentary basins: an overview. In: Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 347-365, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


287    Köster, J., Littke, R., Machel, H. G. (2008):

          Devonian carbonates of the Nigel Peak area, Rocky Mountains, Canada: A fossil petroleum system ? –Journal of Petroleum Geology, 31,  283-301.


288    Kronimus, A., Busch, A., Alles, S., Juch, D., Jurisch, A., Littke, R. (2008):

          A preliminary evaluation of the CO2 storage potential in unminable coal seams of the Münster Cretaceous Basin, Germany.

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2, 329-341.


289       Krooss, B.M., Plessen, B., Machel, H.G., Lüders, V., Littke, R. (2008):

Origin and distribution of non-hydrocarbon gases. In: Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 433-458, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


290    Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D. & Nelskamp, S. (eds.) (2008):

          Dynamics of complex intracontinental basins. The Central European Basin System.–

          Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 519 p. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


291       Littke, R., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Brix, M.R., Nelskamp, S. (2008):

Subsidence, inversion and evolution of the thermal field. In: Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 125-153, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


292       Magri, F., Littke, R., Rodon, S., Bayer, U., Urai, J.L. (2008):

Temperature fields, petroleum maturation and fluid flow in the vicinity of salt domes. In: Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 323-344, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


293    Mavridou, E., Antoniadis, P., Littke, R., Lücke, A. & Krooss, B.M. (2008):

          Liberation of volatiles from Greek lignites during open system non-isothermal pyrolysis.–

          Organic Geochemistry, Vol. 39, Iss. 8, 977-984.


294       Maystrenko, Y., Bayer, U., Brink, H.-J., Littke, R. (2008):

The Central European Basin System – an Overview. In: Littke, R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 15-34, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).


295    Nelskamp, S., David, P. & Littke, R. (2008):

          A comparison of burial, maturity and temperature histories of selected wells from sedimentary basins in The Netherlands.–

          Internat. Journal Earth Sciences, 97, 931-953.


296    Resak, M., Narkiewicz, M. & Littke, R. (2008):

          New basin modelling results from the Polish part of the Central European Basin system: implications for the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene structural inversion.–

          Internat. Journal Earth Sciences, 97, 955-972.


297    S chneider, J., Bakker, R.J., Bechstädt, T. & Littke, R. (2008):

          Fluid evolution during burial diagenesis and subsequent orogenetic uplift: the La Vid Group (Cantabrian Zone, Northern Spain). –

          Journal of Sedimentary Research, 78, 282-300.


298       Voigt, T., Reicherter, K., von Eynatten, H., Littke, R., Voigt, S., Kley, J. (2008):

Sedimentation during basin inversion. In: Littke ,R., Bayer, U., Gajewski, D., Nelskamp, S. (eds.) Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System, 211-232, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg. (ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7).





299    Abohajar, A., Krooss, B. M., Harouda, M. & Littke, R. (2009):

Maturity and Source-Rock Potential of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic Sediments, Jifarah Basin, NW Libya. –

Journal of Petroleum Geology, 32, 327-341.


300       Baur, F., Wielens, H., Littke, R. (2009):

Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling at the Jeanne d’Arc and Carson Basin offshore Newfoundland, Canada.-

CSEG Recorder, 34, 28-36.


301    Drozdzewski, G., Henscheid, S., Hoth, P., Juch, D., Littke, R., Vieth, A. & Wrede, V. (2009):

The pre-Permian of NW-Germany – structure and coalification map.-

Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 160, 159-172.


302    Jasper, K., Krooss, B. M., Flajs, G., Hartkopf-Fröder, Chr. & Littke, R. (2009):

Characteristics of type III kerogen in coal-bearing strata from the Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) in the Ruhr Basin, Western Germany: Comparison of coals, dispersed organic matter, kerogen concentrates and coal-mineral mixtures.-

International Journal of Coal Geology, 80, 1-19.


303    Reuning, L., Schoenherr, J., Heimann, A., Urai, J. L., Littke, R., Kukla, P. A., and Rawahi, Z. (2009):

          Constraints on the diagenesis, stratigraphy and internal dynamics of the surface-piercing salt domes in the Ghaba Salt Basin (Oman): A comparison to the Ara Group in the South Oman Salt Basin.-

GeoArabia, 14, 83-120.



304    Schoenherr, J., Reuning, L., Kukla, P. A., Littke, R., Urai, J. L., Siemann, M. & Rawahi, Z. (2009):

          Halite cementation and carbonate diagenesis of intra-salt reservoirs from the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Ara Group (South Oman Salt Basin).–

          Sedimentology, 56, 567-589.


305       Schoenherr, J., Reuning, L., Schléder, Z., Urai, J. L., Littke, R. & Kukla, P.A. (2009):

            Fluid dynamics in salt-encased carbonates.-

DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung, Celle, 27./28. April 2009,

DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2009-1, pp.17-29. ISBN: 978-3-936418-90-3.




306       Baur, F., Littke, R., Wielens, H., Lampe, C., & Fuchs, Th. (2010):

Basin modeling meets rift analysis – A numerical modeling study from the Jeanne d’Arc basin, offshore Newfoundland, Canada.-

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27 585-599.



307       Belaid, A., Krooss, B. M., Littke, R. (2010):

Thermal history and source rock characterization of a Paleozoic section in the Awbari Trough, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya.– Marine and Petroleum Geology,  27, 612-632.


308    Jasper, K., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Flajs, G. & Littke, R. (2010):

          Evolution of Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous) peat swamps of the Ruhr Basin, Germany: Comparison of palynological, coal petrographical and organic geochemical data.-

International Journal of Coal Geology, 83, 346-365.


309    Jasper, K., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Flajs, G. & Littke, R. (2010):

          Palaeoecological evolution of Duckmantian wetlands in the Ruhr Basin (western Germany): A palynological and coal petrographical analysis.-

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 162, 123-145.


310    Kuhn, P. P., Echtler, H., Littke, R. & Alfaro, G. (2010):

          Thermal basin modelling of the Arauco forearc basin, south central Chile – Heat flow and active margin tectonics.-

Tectonophysics, 495, 111-128.


311       Littke, R. (2010):

            Sedimentbecken. Ressourcenspeicher der Menschheit.-

            Geographie und Schule, 32. Jg., Heft 183, pp. 18-24.


312       Maystrenko, Y., Bayer, U., Scheck-Wenderoth, M. & Littke, R. (2010):

            Salt Movements within the Central European Basin System. Salzbewegungen im Zentraleuropäischen


          Erdöl Erdgas Kohle, 126. Jg., Heft 4, pp.156-163.


313    Narkiewicz, M., Resak, M., Littke, R. & Marynowski, L. (2010):

          New constraints on the Middle Palaeozoic to Cenozoic burial and thermal history of the Holy Cross Mts. (Central Poland): results from numerical modelling.-

            Geologica Acta, 8, 189-205.


314    Resak, M., Glasmacher, U.A., Narkiewicz, M., & Littke, R. (2010):

          Maturity modelling integrated with apatite fission-track dating: Implications for the thermal history of the Mid-Polish Trough (Poland).-

          Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 27, Iss. 1, pp. 108-115 AND Vol. 27, Iss. 3, Special Issue, pp.724-731.


315    Schoenherr, J., Schléder, Z., Urai, J. L., Littke, R. & Kukla, P. A. (2010):

          Deformation mechanisms of deeply buried and surface-piercing Late Pre-Cambrian to Early Cambrian Ara Salt from interior Oman.-

          International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 1007-1025.




316       Uffmann, A. K., Bruns, B. & Littke, R. (2010):

Dynamics of the Central European Basin System (CEBS): Large scale models of the Paleozoic petroleum system in the North German Basin. –

DGMK Research Report 577-2/3. (ISBN: 978-3-941721-12-8)



317       Wollenweber, J., Alles, S., Busch, A., Krooss, B. M., Stanjek, H. & Littke, R. (2010):

Experimental investigation of the CO2 sealing efficiency of caprocks.-

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 4, 231-241.




318       Abeed, Q., Alkhafaji, A. & Littke, R. (2011):

Source rock potential of the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous succession in the Southern Mesopotamian Basin, Southern Iraq.-

Journal of Petroleum Geology, 34, 117-134.


319       Amann, A., Waschbüsch, M., Bertier, P., Busch, A., Krooss, B.M. & Littke, R. (2011):

Sealing rock characteristics under the influence of CO2.-

Energy Procedia, Vol. 4, Special Issue, pp. 5170-5177.

10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-10)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
19-23 September 2010

edited by John Gale, Chris Hendriks, Wim Turkenberg

DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.494


320       Baur, F., di Primio, R., Lampe, C. & Littke, R. (2011):

Mass balance calculations for different models of hydrocarbon migration in the Jeanne d’Arc basin, offshore Newfoundland.-

Journal of Petroleum Geology, 34, 181-198.


321       Littke, R., Krooss, B.M., Uffmann, A.K., Schulz, H.-M. Schulz & Horsfield, B. (2011):

Unconventional Gas Resources in the Paleozoic of Central Europe.-

Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Vol. 66, 953-977.

DOI: 10.2516/ogst/2010033


322    Sachse, V.F., Littke, R., Heim, S., Kluth, O., Schober, J., Boutib, L., Jabour, H., Perssen, F. & Sindern, S. (2011):

Petroleum source rocks of the Tarfaya Basin and adjacent areas, Morocco.-

Organic Geochemistry, 42, 209-227.

DOI: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2010.12004


323       Uffmann, A.K. & Littke, R. (2011):

3D petroleum systems modelling of the North German Basin.-

First Break, 29, 49-63.

DOI: 10.3997/1365-2397.2011016




324       Abeed, Q., Leythaeuser, D., Littke, R. (2012):

Geochemistry, origin and correlation of crude oils in Lower Cretaceous sedimentary sequences of the southern Mesopotamian Basin, southern Iraq.-

Organic Geochemistry, 46, 113-126.

DOI: 10.1016/j.orgeochem.2012.02.007


325       Baur, F., Littke, R., Wielens, H.,  di Primio, R. (2012):

Prediction of reservoir fluid composition using Basin and Petroleum System Modeling: A study from the Jeanne d’ Arc Basins, Eastern Canada.-

AAPG Hedberg Series, no.4, p. 259-292.

DOI: 10.1306/13311442H43475


326       Eseme, E. ; Krooss, B. M. ; Littke, R. (2012):

Evolution of petrophysical properties of oil shales during high-temperature compaction tests: Implications for petroleum expulsion.-
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 31, 110-124

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.11.005


327    Heim, S., Jurisch, S. A., Krooss, B. M., Weniger, P. and Littke, R. (2012):

Systematics of pyrolytic N2 and CH4 release from peat and coals of different thermal maturity.-

International Journal of Coal Geology, 89, 84-94.



328    Juch, D. & Littke, R. (2012):

Special Issue European Coal Conference 2012.- Editorial

International Journal of Coal Geology, 89, 1.

DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2011.11.010 





329    Jurisch, S.A., Heim, S., Krooss, B.M., Littke, R. (2012):

Systematics of pyrolytic gas (N2, CH4) liberation from sedimentary rocks: contribution of organic and inorganic rock constituents.-

International Journal of Coal Geology. 89, 95-107.

DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2011.11.004.


330       Klaver, J., Desbois, G., Urai, J.L., Littke, R. (2012):

BIM-SEM study of the pore space morphology in early mature Posidonia Shale from the Hils area, Germany

International Journal of Coal Geology, 103, 12-25

DOI: 10/1016/j.coal.2012.06.012


331       Littke, R., Urai, J. L., Uffmann, A. K., Risvanis, F. (2012):

Reflectance of dispersed vitrinite in Palaeozoic rocks with and without cleavage: Implications for burial and thermal history modeling in the Devonian of Rursee area, northern Rhenish Massif, Germany.-

            International Journal of Coal Geology, 89, 41-50.

            DOI: 101016/j.coal.2011.07.006


332       Nelskamp, S., van Wees, J.D., Littke, R. (2012):

Structural evolution, temperature and maturity of sedimentary basins in the Netherlands: Results of combined structural and thermal two-dimensional modeling

AAPG Hedberg Series, no.4, p. 137-156

DOI: 10.1306/13311433H43468


333       Sachse, V. F., Delvaux, D. and Littke, R. (2012):

Petrological and geochemical investigations of potential source rocks of the central Congo Basin, Democratic Republic of Congo.-

AAPG Bulletin, 96, 245-275.

DOI: 10.1306/07121111028


334       Sachse, V.F., Leythaeuser, D., Grobe, A., Rachidi, M., Littke, R. (2012):

Organic geochemistry and petrology of Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) petroleum source rock from Ait Moussa, Middle Atlas Morocco.-

Journal of Petroleum Geology, 35, 5-23.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-5457.2012.00516


335       Sachse, V.F., Littke, R., Jabour, H., Schuemann, H., Kluth, O. (2012):

Late Cretaceous (Late Turonian, Coniacian and Santonian) petroleum source rocks as part of an OAE, Tarfaya Basin, Morocco.-

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 29, 35-49.

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.08.014


336       Uffmann, A.K., Littke, R., Rippen, D. (2012):

Mineralogy and geochemistry of Mississippian and Lower Pennyslvanian Black Shales at the Northern Margin of the Variscan Mountain Belt (Germany and Belgium)

International Journal of Coal Geology, 103, 92-108

DOI: 10/1016/j.coal.2012.08.001


337       Weniger, P., Francu, J., Krooss, B.M., Buzek, F., Hemza, P., Littke, R. (2012):

Geochemical and stable carbon isotopic composition of coal-related gases from the SW Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Czech Republic

Organic Geochemistry, 53, 153-165

DOI: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.09.012  




338       Abeed, Q. Littke, R., Strozyk, F., Uffmann, A.K. (2013)

            The Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous petroleum system of southern Iraq: A 3-D basin modelling study

          GeoArabia, 18, 179 – 200




339    Al Sandouk-Lincke, N., Schwarzbauer, J., Volk, H., Hartkopf-Fröder, Fuentes, D., Young, M., Littke, R. (2013)

          Alteration of organic material during maturation: A pyrolytic and infrared spectroscopic study of isolated bisaccate pollen and total organic matter (Lower Jurassic, Hils Syncline, Germany)

            Organic Geochemistry, 59, 22-36


340       Böcker, J., Littke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Jasper, K., Schwarzbauer, J. (2013)

            Organic geochemistry of Duckmantian (Pennsylvanian) coals from the Ruhr Basin, western Germany

            International Journal of Coal Geology, 107, 112 – 126

            DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2012.08.002


341       Bruns, B., Di Primio, R., Berner, U., Littke, R. (2013)

Petroleum system evolution in the inverted Lower Saxony Basin, northwest Germany: a 3D basin modeling study

Geofluids, 13, 246-271


342       Giffin, S.; Littke, R.; Klaver, J., Urai, J. L. (2013):

Application of BIB-SEM technology to characterize macropore morphology in coal

International Journal of Coal Geology, 114, 85-95  

DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2013.02.


343    Karacan, C. O., Dai, S., Littke, R.  (2013):

          Editorial – Suggestions for authors on preparing submissions for IJCG

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 120, A1-A2


344    Rippen, D., Littke, R., Bruns, B., Mahlstedt, Nicolaj (2013):

          Organic geochemistry and petrography of Lower Cretaceous Wealden black shales of the Lower Saxony Basin: The transition from lacustrine oil shales to gas shales

          Organic Geochemistry, 63, 18-36.


345       Schwarzbauer, J., Littke, R., Meier, R., Strauss, H. (2013)

            Stable carbon isotope ratios of aliphatic biomarkers in Late Paleozoic coals

            International Journal of Coal Geology, 107, 127 – 140

            DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2012.10.001


346       Uffmann, A. K., Littke, R. (2013)

            Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of the Münsterland Basin, Western Germany: a 3D Basin Modeling Study

            (Part 1: Model Input, Calibration and Maturation)

            OIL GAS European Magazine, 39, 140-146


347    Tscherny, R. G, Littke, R., Büker, C., Nöth, S., Uffmann, A. K. (2013):

          Coalification of dispersed organic matter in the Dolomites, Italy: Implications for burial and thermal history

          Geo.Alp,. 9, 186-203






















348    Al Sandouk-Lincke, N., Schwarzbauer, J., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Volk, H., Fuentes, D., Young, M., Littke, R. (2014):

          The effect of different pyrolysis temperatures on organic microfossils, vitrain and amber – A comparative study between laser assisted- and Curie Point-pyrolysis – gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

          Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 107, 211-223.


349    Böcker, J., Littke, R. (2014):

          Source rock characterisation and thermal maturity of the Rupelian Fish Shale (Bodenheim Fm./Hochberg Subfm.) in the central Upper Rhine Graben

          Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 165(2), 247-274.


350    Bou Daher, S., Nader, F. H., Strauss, H., Littke, R. (2014):

          Depositional environment and source-rock characterisation of organic-matter rich upper Santonian – upper Campanian carbonates, Northern Lebanon

          Journal of Petroleum Geology, 37, 5-24


351    El Atfy, H., Brocke, R., Uhl, D., Ghassal, B., Stock, A.T., Littke, R. (2014):

          Source rock potential and paleoenvironment of the Miocene Rudeis and Kareem formations, Gulf of Suez, Egypt: An integrated palynofacies and organic geochemical approach

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 131, 326-343


352    Gasparik, M., Bertier, P., Gensterblum, Y., Ghanizadeh, A., Krooss, B. M., Littke, R. (2014):

          Geological controls on the methane storage capacity in organic-rich shales

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 123, 34-51.


353    Gensterblum, Y., Merkel, A., Busch, A., Krooss, B.M., Littke, R. (2014):

          Gas saturation and CO2 enhancement potential of coalbed methane reservoirs as a function of depth

          AAPG Bulletin, 98, 395-420


354    Ghanizadeh, A., Amann-Hildenbrand, A., Gasparik, M., Gensterblum, Y., Krooss, B. M., Littke, R. (2014):

          Experimental study of fluid transport processes in the matrix system of the European organic-rich shales: II. Posidonia Shale (Lower Toarcian, northern Germany)

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 123, 20-33


355    Neumaier, M., Littke, R., Hantschel, T., Maerten, L., Joonnekindt, J.P., Kukla, P. (2014):

          Integrated Charge and Seal Assessment in the Monagas Fold and Thrust Belt of Venezuela

          AAPG Bulletin, 98, 1325-1350



356    Romero-Sarmiento, M.-F., Rouzaud, J.-N., Bernard, S., Deldicque, D., Thomas, M., Littke, R. (2014):

          Evolution of Barnett Shale organic carbon structure and nanostructure with increasing maturation

          Organic Geochemistry, 71,7-16.



357    Sachse, V.F., Heim, S., Jabour, H., Kluth, O., Schümann, T., Aquit, M., Littke, R. (2014):

          Organic geochemical characterization of Santonian to Early Campanian organic matter-rich marls (Sondage No 1 cores) as related to OAE3 from the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco

          Marine and Petroleum Geology, 56, 290-304.



358    Song, J., Littke, R., Maquil, R., Weniger, P. (2014):

          Organic facies variability in the Posidonia Black Shale from Luxembourg: Implications for thermal maturation and depositional environment

          Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 410, 316-336.


358a     Soreghan, L., Littke, R. (2014):

Global cycles and environmental change. In: Horsfield, B., Knebel, C., Ludden, J. and Hyndman, R. (Eds.): Unravelling the workings of planet earth, International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, Potsdam, 32-41.

DOI: 10.2312/icdp.2014.001


359    Uffmann, A. K., Littke, R., Gensterblum, Y. (2014):

          Paleozoic Petroleum Systems of the Münsterland Basin, Western Germany: a 3D Basin Modeling Study: Part 2: Petroleum Generation and Storage with Special Emphasis on Shale Gas Resources

          Oil Gas European Magazine, 2/2014, 98-103.


360    Uhl, D., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Littke, R., Kustatscher, E. (2014):

          Wildfires in the Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic of the Southern Alps – the Anisian and Ladinian (Mid Triassic) of the Dolomites (Northern Italy)

          Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 94, 271-278




361    Abohajar, A., Littke, R., Schwarzbauer, J., Weniger, P., Boote, D.R.D. (2015):

          Biomarker characteristics of potential source rocks in the Jabal Nafusah area, NW Libya: Petroleum systems significance

          Journal of Petroleum Geology, 38, 119-155.


362    Alkhafaji, M.W., Aljubouri, Z.A., Aldobouni, I.A., Littke, R. (2015):

          Hydrocarbon potential of Ordovician-Silurian successions in Akkas field, western desert of Iraq

          AAPG Bulletin, 99, 617-637.


363    Al Sandouk-Lincke, N.A., Schwarzbauer, J., Antic, V., Antic, M., Caase, J., Grünelt, S., Reßing, K., Littke, R. (2015):

          Off-line-pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses of drilling fluids and drill cuttings – Identification of potential environmental marker substances

          Organic Geochemistry, 88, 17-28.


364    Bou Daher, S., Nader, F.H., Müller, C., Littke, R. (2015):

          Geochemical and petrographic characterization of Campanian – Lower Maastrichtian calcareous petroleum source rocks of Hasbayya, South Lebanon

          Marine and Petroleum Geology, 64, 304-323.


365    Bruns, B., Littke, R. (2015):

Lithological dependency and anisotropy of vitrinite reflectance in high rank sedimentary rocks of the Ibbenbüren area, NW-Germany: Implications for the tectonic and thermal evolution of the Lower Saxony Basin

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 137, 124–135.


366    Grobe, A., Littke, R., Sachse, V., Leythaeuser, D. (2015):

          Burial history and thermal maturity of Mesozoic rocks of the Dolomites, Northern Italy

          Swiss Journal of Geosciences, former Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 108, 253-271.


367    Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Königshof, P., Littke, R., Schwarzbauer, J. (2015):

          Optical thermal maturity parameters and organic geochemical alteration at low grade diagenesis to anchimetamorphism: A review

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 150-151, 74-119.



368    Horsfield, B., Littke, R., Mori, J. J., Soreghan, G.S.L. (2015):

A Snapshot of Research Findings Enabled by Scientific Drilling. Editorial

International Journal of Earth Sciences 104, 1497-1498   


369        Horsfield, B., di Primio, R., Hübner, A., Littke, R., Abeed, Q. (2015):

On the Development of Unconventional Fossil Energy Resources in the Arabian Gulf States. In: The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (Ed.), Unconventional Fossil Fuels: The Next Hydrocarbon Revolution?, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 67-94.


370    Jacops, E., Wouters, K., Volckaert, G., Moors, H., Maes, N., Bruggeman, C., Swennen, R., Littke, R. (2015):

          Measuring the effective diffusion coefficient of dissolved hydrogen in saturated Boom Clay

          Applied Geochemistry, 61, 175-184.


371    Klaver, J., Desbois, G., Littke, R., Urai, J.L. (2015):

          BIB-SEM characterization of pore space morphology and distribution in postmature to overmature samples from the Haynesville and Bossier Shales

          Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59, 451-466.


372    Li, X., Krooss, B.M., Weniger, P., Littke, R. (2015):

          Liberation of molecular hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) during non-isothermal pyrolysis of shales and coals: Systematics and quantification

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 137, 152-164.


373    Merkel, A., Fink, R., Littke, R. (2015):

The role of pre-adsorbed water on methane sorption capacity of Bossier and Haynesville shales

International Journal of Coal Geology, 147-148, 1-8.


374    Neumaier, M., Back, S., Littke, R., Kukla, P., Schnabel, M., Reichert, C. (2015):

Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Atlantic margin offshore Essaouira (Morocco)

Basin Research, xxx, 1-19.

DOI: 10.1111/bre.12127


375    Song, J., Littke, R., Weniger, P., Ostertag-Henning, C., Nelskamp, S. (2015):

Shale oil potential and thermal maturity of the Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale in NW Europe International Journal of Coal Geology, xx,yy-zz.







376       Angerer, G, Buchholz, P, Gutzmer, J, Hagelüken, C, Herzig, P, Littke, R, Thauer, R.K, Wellmer, F.W   


          Rohstoffe für die Energieversorgung der Zukunft. Geologie-Märkte-Umwelteinflüsse

          Schriftreihe Energiesysteme der Zukunft, 198p.

          ISB: 978-3-9817048-6-0


377       Baboolal, A.A., Littke, R., Wilson, B., Stock, A.T., Knight, J. (2016):

            Petrographical and geochemical characterization of lignites, sub-bituminous coals and carbonaceous       sediments from the Erin Formation, Southern Basin, Trinidad – Implications on microfacies, depositional             environment and organic matter alteration

            International Journal of Coal Geology, 163, 112-122


378       Baniasad, A., Rabbani, A., Sachse, V., Littke, R., Moallemi, S., Soleimany, B.(2016)

            2D basin modeling study in the Cenomanian Binak Trough, northwestern Persian Gulf, Iran

            Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 882-897


379    Böcker, J., Littke, R. (2016):

          Thermal maturity and petroleum kitchen areas of Liassic Black Shales (Lower Jurassic) in the central Upper Rhine Graben, Germany

          International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 611-636.


380       Bou Daher, Samer, Ducros, Mathieu; Michel, Pauline et al. (2016):

            3D thermal history and maturity modelling of the Levant Basin and its eastern margin offshore-onshore            Lebanon

            Arabian Journal of Geoscience 9, Article 440  


381       Bruns, B., Littke, R., Gasparik, M., van Wees, J.-D., Nelskamp, S. (2016):

          Thermal evolution and shale gas potential estimation of the Wealden and

Posidonia Shale in NW-Germany and the Netherlands: a 3D basin modelling


Basin Research, 28,2-33

DOI: 10.1111/bre.12096


382       El Atfy, H., Abeed, Q., Uhl, D., Littke, R. (2016):

Palynology, Palynofacies analysis, depositional environments and source rock potential of Lower Cretaceous successions in southern Iraq

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 76, 362-376


383       El Diasty, W.Sh., El Beialy, S.Y., Littke, R., Farag, F: A. (2016):

            Source rock evaluation and nature of hydrocarbons in the Khalda Concession, Shushan Basin, Egypt's      Western Desert

            International Journal of Coal Geology, 162, 45-60.


384       Fink, R., Virgo, S., Arndt, M., Visser, W., Littke, R., Urai, J.L. (2016):

Solid bitumen in calcite veins from the Natih Formation in the Oman Mountains: Multiple phases of petroleum migration in a changing stress field

International Journal of Coal Geology, 157, 39-51.


385       Klaver, J., Desbois, G., Littke, R., Urai, J. (2016):

            BIB-SEM pore characterization of mature and post mature Posidonia Shale samples from the Hils area,          Germany

            International Journal of Coal Geology, 158, 78-89.


386    Maehlmann, R.F, Littke, R., Le Bayon, R. (2016)

          Special issue: „Organic petrology, organic geochemistry and mineralogy in sedimentary basin research

          International Journal of Coal Geology, 157, 2-18 


387       Merkel, A., Fink, R., Littke, R., (2016):

High pressure methane sorption characteristics of lacustrine shales from the Midland Valley Basin, Scotland

Fuel, 182, 361-372.


388       Mohnhoff, D., Littke, R., Krooss, B.M., Weniger, P. (2016):

Flow-through extraction of oil and gas shales under controlled stress

using organic solvents: Implications for organic matter-related porosity

and permeability changes with thermal maturity

International Journal of Coal Geology, 157, 84-99.


389     Mohnhoff, D., Littke R., Sachse, V. (2016)

Estimates of shale gas contents in the Posidonia Shale and Wealden of the Westcentral Lower Saxony                                            

           Basin from high-resolution 3D numerical basin modelling

           Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 20, 295-314


390     Neumaier, M., Back, S., Littke, R., Kukla, P.A., Schnabel, M., Reichert, C. (2016)

Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic geodynamic evolution oft he Atlantic margin offshore Essaouira                               


           Basin Research, 28, 712-730

           DOI: 10.1111/bre.12127


391       Romero-Sarmiento, M., Euzen, T., Rohais, S., Jiang, C., Littke, R. (2016)

Artificial thermal maturation of source rocks at different thermal maturity levels: Application to the Triassic Montney and Doig Formations in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

           Organic Geochemistry, 97, 148-162



392       Sachse, V., Anka, Z., Littke, R., Rodriguez, J. F., Horsfield, B., di Primio, R. (2016)

Burial, temperature and maturation history of the Austral and Western Malvinas Basin, Southern

          Argentina, based on 3D Basin modelling               

           Journal of Petroleum Geology, 39, 169-191

          DOI: 10.1111/jpg.12639


393    Sachse, V., Littke, R. (2016)

          Burial, temperature and maturation history of the Ringkobing-Fyn High, Denmark,

          Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 20, 249-268


394       Sachse, V., Wenke, A., Littke, R., Jabour, H., Kluth, O., Zühlke, R. (2016)

2D petroleum system analysis of the Tarfaya Basin, on- offshore Morocco, North Africa

          Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 1108-1124


395     Siedenberg, K., Strauss, H., Littke, R. (2016)

Multiple sulfur isotopes (…S, …S), carbon isotopes (…) and trace elements (Mo, U, V) reveal changing      palaeoenvironments in the Chokier Formation, Belgium, Upper Carboniferous

           Chemical Geology, 441, 47-62


396     Stock, A., Littke, R. (2016)

Geochemical composition of oils from the Gifhorn Trough and Lower Saxony Basin in comparison to 

           posidonia Shale source rock from the Hills Syncline, Northern Germany 

           Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 17, 315-331   


397       Stock, A.T., Littke, R., Lücke, A., Zieger, L., Thielemann, T. (2016):

Miocene depositional environment and climate in western Europe: The lignite deposits of the Lower Rhine Basin, Germany

International Journal of Coal Geology, 157, 2-18.


398       Weniger, S., Weniger, P., Littke, R. (2016):

Characterizing coal cleats from optical measurements for CBM evaluation

International Journal of Coal Geology, 154-155, 176-192.


        399      Xie, X., Li, M., Littke, R., Hang, Z., Ma, X., Jiang, Q., Snowdon, L. (2016)

Petrographic and geochemical characterization of microfacies in a lacustrine shale oil system in the Dongying Sag, Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China

         International Journal of Coal Geology, 165, 49-63

         DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.07.004




        400    Jacobs, E., Aertens, M., Maes, N., et al. (2017)

Interplay of molecular size and pore network geometry on the diffusion of dissolved gases and HTO in Boom Clay   

        Applied Geochemistry, 76, 182-195.   


401       Karayigit, A.I., Littke, R., Querol, X., Jones, T., Oskay R.G., Christians, K., (2017)   

The Miocene coal seams in the Soma Basin (W. Turkey): Insights from coal petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry

         International Journal of coal Geology, 173. 110-128


402    Philipp, T., Ammann-Hildenbrand, A., Laurich, B., Desbois, G., Littke, R., Urai, J.L. (2017)

The effect of microstructural heterogeneity on pore size distribution and permeability in Opalinus Clay  (Mont Terri, Switzerland): insights from an integrated study of laboratory fluid flow and pore morphology from BIB-SEM images

The Geological Society                                                                                                                                     


403    Afife, M., Littke, R., Lashin, A., Abdel all, M. (2017)

Geochemistry, generation and maturation of the hydrocarbons at Wadi Al-Rayan oil field, Western Desert of Egypt

Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(12), 1253-1262.


          404    Boecker, J., Littke R., Forster, A. (2017)

An overview on source rocks and the petroleum system of the central Upper Rhine Graben

          International Journal of Earth Science, 106(2), 707-742.

          DOI: 10.1007/s00531-016-1330-3


405    Eichentopf, H., Boecker, J., Littke, R. (2017)

Source rock characterisation of the Rupelian Fish Shale (Bodenheim Fm. / Hochberg Sbfm.) - An organic geochemical profile from the clay pit "Unterfeld" (Rauenberg, Germany) in the Upper Rhine Graben         

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften,168(2), 217-23.


406    Ghassal, B.I., Littke, R., El Atfy, H., Sindern, S., Scholtysik, G., El Beialy, S., El Khoriby, E. (2017)

Source rock potential and depositional environment of Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt: An integrated palynological, organic and inorganic geochemical study

        International Journal of Coal Geology,186, 14-40.    


407    Grobe, A., Schmatz, J., Littke, R., Klaver, J., Urai, J.L. (2017)

Enhanced surface flatness of vitrinite particles by broad ion beam polishing and implications for reflectance measurements

International Journal of Coal Geology, 180, 113-121.



408    Jacobs, E., Aertens, M., Maes, N., Bruggeman, C., Krooss, BM., Amann-Hildenbrand, A., Swennen, R., Littke, R. (2017)

Interplay of molecular size and pore network geometry on the diffusion of dissolved gases and HTO in Boom Clay   

         Applied Geochemistry, 76, 182-195.   


409    Jacobs, E., Aertens, M., Maes, N., Bruggeman, C., Swennen, R., Krooss, B., Amann-Hildenbrand, A., Littke, R. (2017)

The Dependency of Diffusion Coefficients and Geometric Factor on the Size of the Diffusing Molecule: Observations for Different Clay-Based Materials         

        Geofluids, 2017, 1-16.   


410       Karayigit, A.I., Littke, R., Querol, X., Jones, T., Oskay R.G., Christians, K., (2017)   

The Miocene coal seams in the Soma Basin (W. Turkey): Insights from coal petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry

         International Journal of coal Geology, 173, 110-128.


411    Li, X., Krooss, B.M., Ostertag-Henning, C., Weniger, P., Littke, R. (2017)

Liberation of hydrogen-containing gases during closed system pyrolysis of immature organic matter-rich shales

International Journal of Coal Geology, 185, 23-32.


412    Li, X., Krooss, B.M., Weniger, P., Littke, R. (2017)

Molecular hydrogen (H-2) and light hydrocarbon gases generation from marine and lacustrine source rocks during closed-system laboratory pyrolysis experiments

Journal of Analytical and applied Pyrolysis, 126, 275-287.


413    Philipp, T., Ammann-Hildenbrand, A., Laurich, B., Desbois, G., Littke, R., Urai, J.L. (2017)

The effect of microstructural heterogeneity on pore size distribution and permeability in Opalinus Clay (Mont Terri, Switzerland): insights from an integrated study of laboratory fluid flow and pore morphology from BIB-SEM images

Geological Society London Special Publication, 454, 85-106.      


414    Prinz, L., Zieger, L., Littke, R., McCann, T., Lokay, P., Asmus, S. (2017)

Syn-and post-depositional sand bodies in lignite - the role of coal analysis in their recognition. A study from the Frimmersdorf Seam, Garzweiler open-cast mine, western Germany

International Journal of Coal Geology, 179, 173-186.


415    Romero-Sarmiento, M.-F., Ramiro-Ramirez, S., Berthe, G., Fleury, M., Littke, R. (2017)

Geochemical and petrophysical source rock characterization of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina: Implications for unconventional petroleum resource estimations

International Journal of Coal Geology, 184, 27-41.


416    Sinn, C.J.A., Klaver, J., Fink, R., Jiang, M., Schmatz, J., Littke, R., Urai, JL. (2017)

Using BIB-SEM Imaging for Permeability Prediction in Heterogeneous Shales

Geofluids, UNSP 4709064.



        417       Song, J., Littke, R., Weniger, P. (2017)

        Organic geochemistry of the Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale in NW Europe

Organic Geochemistry, 106, 76-92.


418    Stock, A.T., Littke, R., Schwarbauer, J., Horsfield, B., Hartkopf-Fröder, C. (2017)

Organic geochemistry and petrology of Posidonia Shale (Lower Toarcian, Western Europe)- The evolution from immature oil-prone to overmature dry gas-producing kerogen

International Journal of Coal Geology, 176-177, 36-48.




        419    Zieger, L., Littke, R., Schwarbauer, J. (2017)

Chemical and structural changes in vitrinites and megaspores from Carboniferous coals during maturation

International Journal of Coal Geology, 185, 91-102.





420    Afife, M., Littke, R., Lashin, A. et al. (2018)

Petrophysical reservoir-rock properties and source-rock characterization of Abu Roash Formation in Wadi El-Rayan oil field, Western Desert, Egypt

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(14), 378. 



421    Baludikay, B. K., Francois, C., Sforna, M. C. et al. (2018)

Raman microspectroscopy, bitumen reflectance and illite crystallinity scale: comparison of different geothermometry methods on fossiliferous Proterozoic sedimentary basins (DR Congo, Mauritania and Australia)

        International Journal of Coal Geology, 191, 80-94.



422    Ghazwani, A., Littke, R., Gaus, G., Hartkopf-Fröder, C. (2018)

Assessment of unconventional shale gas potential of organic-rich Mississippian and lower Pennsylvanian sediments in western Germany.

International Journal of Coal Geology, 198, 29-47.


423    Ghazwani, A., Littke, R., Sachse, V. et al. (2018)

Organic geochemistry, petrology and palynofacies of Middle Devonian lacustrine flagstones in the Orcadian Basin, Scotland: depositional environment, thermal history and petroleum generation potential

Geological Magazine, 155(4), 773-796.



424    Grobe, A., Virgo, S., von Hagke, C. et al. (2018)

Multiphase Structural Evolution of a Continental Margin During Obduction Orogeny: Insights from the Jebel Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains

Tectonics, 37(3), 888-913.



425    Guo, Q., Littke, R., Zieger, L. (2018)

Petrographical and geochemical characterization of sub-bituminous coals from mines in the Cesar-Rancheria Basin, Colombia

International Journal of Coal Geology, 191, 66-79.



426    Sachse, V., Littke, R. (2018)

The impact of Quaternary glaciation on temperature and pore pressure in Jurassic troughs in the Southern Permian Basin, northern Germany

The Geological Society, Special Publications, 469, 371-398.



427    Shabani, M., Moallemi, S. A., Krooss, B. M. et al. (2018)

Methane sorption and storage characteristics of organic-rich carbonaceous rocks, Lurestan province, southwest Iran

International Journal of Coal Geology, 186, 51-64.



428    Stock, A., Littke, R. (2018)

The Posidonia Shale of northern Germany: unconventional oil and gas potential from high-resolution 3D numerical basin modelling of the cross-junction between the eastern Lower Saxony Basin, Pompeckj Block and Gifhorn Trough

The Geological Society, Special Publications, 469, 399-421.



429       Ghazwani, A., Littke, R., Uffmann, Anna K., Baniasad, A., Roth, J. (2018)

Petroleum generation and storage in the Pennsylvanian coal-bearing strata of the Munsterland Basin, Western Germany: 3D basin modelling approach

Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, Vol. 169, 475-494



430    Grohmann, S., Fietz, Susanne W., Littke, R., Daher, SB., Romero-Sarmiento, MF., Nader, FH., Baudin, F. (2018)

Source rock characterization of mesozoic to cenozoic organic matter rich marls and shales of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energie nouvelles, Vol. 73, Article Number: 49



        431       Fink, R., Amann-Hildebrand, A., Bertier, P., Littke, R. (2018)

        Pore structure, gas storage and matrix transport characteristics of lacustrine Newark shale

Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 97, 525-539


