Next Wednesday (27.03.13) Susanne Buiter will give a talk on "Analysing Wilson Cycle plate margins" Hereby we would like to invite you to the talk held at 14:00 in room 408 (Lochnerstrasse 4-20, 'Haus A'). Susanne Buiter has been elected as the president of the EGU Division on Tectonics and Structural Geology.
In honor of his scientific achievements was Prof. Littke appointed to the National Academy of Science and Engineering . Further information on the acatech :
Report of the GV-DGG-GSA Joint Meeting GeoMunich2011:
Due to the strong interest in the topic "Unconventional Gas" a link to a new publication, a presentation on this subject and a 3D animation of a coal block is provided.
Prof. Littke received on 1 July 2011 with 4300,- this year's prize of the Student Council 3.5 Geology & Mineralogy Teaching Award.
At the spring meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam (GFZ) Prof. Littke was elected as the new chairman of this committee.
Prof. Littke received the André Dumont Medal 2010 of the Belgian Geological Society (Geologica Belgica). On this occasion he held a lecture on "Unconventional Fossil Fuels in Central Europe" in the Royal Natural History Museum in Brussels.
Yves Gensterblum was awarded this grant for his research on the interaction of gases with clay minerals using neutron diffraction. He is planning to visit the Los Alamos research facilities, USA, for neutron beam experiments early 2013.
Victoria Sachse successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations.
We invite any MSc.-, PhD-students and PostDocs as well as industry members in the field of earth sciences to apply for a three day short course given by Prof. Stephen Cox at RWTH Aachen University.
October 11th - 13th 2011 (full day, 9am through 5pm)
The paper 'Reflectance of dispersed vitrinite in Palaeozoic rocks with and without cleavage: Implications for burial and thermal history modeling in the Devonian of Rursee area, northern Rhenish Massif, Germany' by Ralf Littke et al. is now available online!
Chris to KIT
Chris started his new job at KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and thanks his students and colleagues for stimulation research and higher education. His team will succesively move to KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology or continue his/her career in industry.
Chris acknowledges his colleague's generous cooperation, which allowed him the invention and implemtation of EMR concept and name, the concept and implementation of EMR's and GeoMat's English MSc study program, the more management related Georesrouces program (especially by the support of Prof. Reinhard Madlener, Prof. Albert Moser and others) and the initation and implementation of the RWTH Aachen SPE student chapter.
With great committment he supported and contributed to RWTH's interdisciplinary apporaches, be it within the BMBF joint project proposal TESA - Technology-Based Energy System Analysis, the DFG-SPP inititative under the the guidance of Prof. Frank Lehmkuhl., jointly with Prof. Peter Letmathe, Prof. Bernhard Friedrich and Prof. Holger Schüttrumpf., or several geo-energy system analyses jointly with Prof. Reinhard Madlener.
Chris especially thanks his sponsors from industry for their support of research and teaching and looks forward for a fruitful cooperation at KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
OGV Konferenz Aachen, 29.3 - 2.4.2016
Wir freuen uns das 137te Jahrestreffen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins OGV in Aachen ausrichten zu dürfen.
Blockcourse ERM Energy Trading
We are happy to announce the shortcourse of our former student Christoph Budny, GRM, now Trianel, on energy trading aspects. We will highlight that exploration and production is just one side of the story, but share with our students how the market and demand side works.
Fieldtrip Eifel
We are happy o guide our students in a transect from the Quaternary and Teritary Lower Rhine Embayment sediments to the coal measures, and highly deformed rocks around the Rurlake in a two day fieldtrip.
Paper Georesources published
Our paper by Yasar Manss, Chris Hilgers, Tobias Vraetz, Thomas Bartnitzki, Karl Nienhaus and Henning Buddenbaum on Combined hyperspectral and Lidar-technology to optimize the location of drilling grids during mining (in German) has been published in Georesrouces 03/2015, 35-39.
BMBF-DLR project N-Africa
Our new project focusses on the dissemination of applied higher education in northern Africa. We look forward to collaborate with universities in the region to develop a module which integrates national and international industries in applied teaching and research. Several years of successful and collaborative teaching with industry at our department enabled our students to be better prepared for their future carreer.
Paper ZdGG positively reviewed
Our paper Facies delineation by using a multivariate statistical model from onshore wells in the Nile Delta by Dieter Krott, Christoph Hilgers and Christian Buecker is on track in Zeitschrift der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft ZdGG.
Paper Geol Soc Lond Spec Pub in press
Benni's paper is now in press in Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction, in the Geological Society, London, Special Publications series, 435