We offer Bachelor programs in Geo-Resources Management and Applied Geosciences, both programs are taught in German.
You can focus on one of the three streams Geomaterialen, Geophysik-Hydrogeologie-Ingenieurgeologie or Energie- & mineralische Rohstoffe in the final year of your Bachelor studies. Future students can obtain further information here.
Our MSc-programs in Geo-Resources Management (that link is to a German site, not of value for non-German speakers, better to link with new Modulplan further below) offers two streams in Resources Management and Environment Management. The language of instruction is partly in German and in English. Details of the study program can be downloaded here.
Our MSc-programs in Applied Geosciences (see above) offer three streams in the fields of Geomaterials, Geophysik-Hydrogeologie-Ingenieurgeologie and Energy- & Mineral Resources (EMR). While the MSc-program Geophysik-Hydrogeologie-Ingenieurgeologie is taught in German, the MSc-programs Geomaterials and EMR are offered in English. Details of the study program can be downloaded here.
We also offer tailormade short courses for people in employment.
Currently available MSc/BSc theses: